22. The date

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Both girls couldn't be in a better place. Life was good, the sun kept shining, the sky was blue, and the two lovers were together again living their lives with eachother and kept falling in love everyday a little more.
To be honest it looked too perfect.
It felt like the calm before the storm.
And Alison felt that way, she didn't dare to tell anything to Emily, cause she was afraid the other girl wouldn't understand and maybe even doubt Ali's love. So she preferred to keep quiet and wait for the best.

She wasn't sure if it had something to do with their past, but a calm and happy moment in Rosewood was never good and definitely didn't last long, and that's what made Alison worry.

How long would it last this time?
This was one of her questions at the moment. A question she tried her best to avoid and wasn't sure if she wanted an answer.

Her and Emily had promised that this time it would be forever and while Alison silently worried, Emily kept jumping and dancing around the apartment of happiness and excitement. Friday had arrived and she had already planned evrything she needed for her and Ali's weekend.
The plan was to take Alison on a date and after that they'd go to Mel's parents' house, where there was a pool and everything they could ask for.

Without wanting to ruin the surprise, Emily just asked Alison simply to go eat out after work. Emily had asked Melina to let Ali leave maybe 2 hours earlier so they'd have more time.
So when it was around 3pm as presumed Ali texted Emily,
'Hey babe I'm done for today, Mel let me leave earlier. You still want to go eat?'

Emily was putting some clothes inside the bags as she received the message and smiled immediately knowing her plan was starting,
'Of course, meet me near my car.'

Alison frowned, she thought they'd go have lunch at the Rose since that's their usual place amd since it's near the apartment, they didn't need the car, but apparently that wasn't on Emily's plans.

About 20 minutes later Emily had already put their bags inside the car truck, as she waited a few more minutes. While on her phone scrolling through her instagram, she felt two arms around her waist and a kiss on her cheek,
"Hey Em."

The brunette turned around still between Ali's arms and kissed her on the lips passionately.

After they pulled away breathlessly they both smiled warmly at eachother,
"Hi." Emily said finally.

"So where are we going? I'm starving." Alison said now in the car as Emily started the engine.

"It's a surprise." Emily said winking at her as she started driving.

30 minutes later and Ali still had no idea where they were going, until she saw a board saying 'Oleta River State Park'.
She smiled at how cute Emily was, bringing her on a date and what she loved the most was the fact that this wasn't one of those expensive dates, this was an Emily type of date.

For Alison as long as she had the brunette with her, even a movie night on the couch with some pizza would be a date.
When she was with Ethan he used to take her to expensive restaurants or to the parties of his company, the old Ali would love it, being in the middle of rich men but this Ali just needed the brunette to feel happy and loved.

"Here we are." Emily said bringing the blonde out of her thoughts.
The two of them stepped out of the car and Emily went to the trunk to take the basket with the food.

She made sure Alison didn't see their bags with their clothes, if the blonde did she'd ask questions and Emily didn't want to ruin the second part of the surprise.

She took Ali's hand and gave her a peck,
"Let's go."

They walked for a few minutes, as they also appreciated the view of the beautiful park. It was an amazing day and the nature and environment were lovely and relaxing.

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