9. My turn

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Emily's POV

"Hey Mel." I say when I answer FaceTime.

It's been 2 days since I went to Alison's house. I know she didn't marry Ethan because I met with the other three girl the next morning and they told me Alison broke things up.

I wanted to feel good but I couldn't help feeling guilty about it.
I still wondered if I should've come back.

Alison was happy and moving on until I came and pulled her back into the complicated past we have.

But if she broke up with Ethan that means she still has feelings for me right?

"Emily Fields? Wow is that really you? I haven't seen you for ages girl!" She says trying to be serious but we end up laughing.

Mel and I weren't usually away from eachother so when it happend we acted like it's been ages even if it was just less than 4 days.

"I miss you too." I stopped laughing and my smile faded.

"Hey what's wrong Em?"she asked now concerned.

"I don't know. Alison didn't get married and she broke up with Ethan after I left her house. And that was my hope but I can't stop feeling guilty and bad about it."I sighed.

"Yeah I get it. But hey at least now you know that she still has feelings. Right?"

"I'm not sure. The morning after I went to her house, I met up with the girls and they told me what Alison told them."


Emily's POV

"So..." I awkwardly said after sitting down on the table where Aria, Spencer and Hanna were waiting for me.

"She didn't get married Em." Hanna finally said and I couldn't help but let a smile to come to my face. I sighed of relief.

"Yeah but don't be too happy." Now it was Aria's turn to speak.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked now nervous.

"Em... after Ethan left, we asked Alison what she was going to do." Aria started and after a few seconds Spencer continued.

"She said that she's not coming back to you, she's...not angry but, she's in denial. She keeps saying that it wouldn't work and that things wouldn't be like they used to. But we told her that since she still has feelings for you, which now it's clear to see or she would've married Ethan, you girls should try it again."

"Yeah even Olivia agreed with us." Aria added.

"But she keeps saying that it wouldn't work and some other lame excuses." Hanna finished.


"Oh..." Melina said as I finished telling her about the conversation.

"Yeah." I said looking down.

"But hey look..." she took a breath,
"Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before. And both of you changed. But that doesn't mean you don't love eachother anymore. It just means that if you truly do love eachother, than you're going to fight harder."

I listened to every word and smiled at one of my bestfriends.

She's always been there for me even when I didn't know I needed someone.

The same afternoon I decided to walk around the city. It's the first time I've visited Miami and the only places I've been were my hotel and Alison's house.
They weren't actually really far from eachother, to be honest it was like 10 minutes away, if you took the car it was like 5.

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