36. Conversations

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"Hello?" Alison said in her bitchy voice.
"Hi Alison? Look I really need to talk to you!" She heard Ethan's panicking voice on the other side of the call.
"And you really think I'll talk to you after what you did? I spoke to my father Ethan! I know about your plan!" Alison said as she stood up, she didn't have patience for this.
She wondered if Ethan was that stupid to think that after all this situation, she'd still talk to him.

"Look I know that you think you know what is going on, but I swear you don't. Your father was here a few hours ago after his lunch with you. Alison, I swear that it was his plan to try again." Ethan started and Alison suddenly stopped walking side to side.
Emily was looking at her, from Alison's face, the brunette couldn't really tell what was going on.
Alison looked suspicious but also interested in what Ethan was telling her.

After a few seconds of silence, Ethan kept talking,
"After I spoke to Emily, I know I told her that I'd make sure to ruin your relationship but I had been drinking Alison. And after she left I realized how stupid I was being. Please you have to believe me, after that talk with Emily, your dad came to me saying we had to find a way."

At this moment Alison connected her eyes with Emily's. She wasn't sure what to believe. Right now she didn't trust neither of the two men.

"I don't care whose idea it was! Neither of you should even consider to do something like this! You should be happy for me and if you're not you should stay the hell away!" Alison almost yelled through the phone.

Emily stood up and walked closer to her girlfriend.

"I know, I know that now and I'm really sorry. But I need you to come to my house. I need to show you something. Alison, your dad is planning something big, against Emily and I think you should see what he gave me before he left."

This changed the situation, truth or not, if her father was really planning whatever it was against Emily, Alison had to make sure she could protect her girlfriend.
She swallowed and distanced herself a little from the brunette so she wouldn't hear what Ethan was saying.
She knew that if Emily would've heard what the guy had just said, she'd leave the apartment to find Kenneth.

"What is it?" The blonde asked.
"You should see it yourself."

Alison looked back at Emily, who still stood there confused to what was happening.
Ali took a deep breath,
"Fine." She gave in and ended the call.

She didn't want Emily to find out already, she wanted to make sure what was going on first.
Now all she had to do was to convince Emy that everything was fine.

"So? What did he want, you looked pretty angry." Emily aksed.

"He wanted to apologize and say that it was my dad's plan." Alison simply said, trying her best to convince the brunette.

Emily frowned a little,
"And you believe him?"

"I don't know. But to be honest I don't want to think about this anymore. He kept asking me to forgive him and I just said fine so he'd shut up and finally leave us alone." Alison said as she approached Emily, taking her hands on her own.
She gave Emily a reassuring smile,
"Everything's okay."

Emily smiled took and kissed the blonde's forehead before hugging her.
She wasn't a hundred percent sure if that was really the case. She trusted Ali, she just didn't trust Ethan and Kenneth.

Alison's POV

The next day, Emily and I were having breakfast before going to work.
"Today I'll announce the new members of the team. I can't wait to start training the girls." My beautiful girl said excitedly while eating her pancakes.

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