28. Nightmare

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Alison's POV

"Emily, I'm so sorry." I told her as we were in the car, on our way home.
"It's okay babe, we need to take care of this and maybe instead of waiting for something to happen, we sould do something ourselves." She told me while holding my hand.

It was 8 in the morning. The night after I called my dad, I had a nightmare.

I kept turning around in bed, tossing the sheets. Emily was sound asleep, tired from our long walk through the city.
Soon I realized I was dreaming, or more like having a nightmare.

-"Please I'm begging, let me explain!" I begged Emily with my eyes fulled of tears, shaking of fear.

"How could you do this? To me? To us?" The brunette asked with a broken voice as she grabbed her stuff and started walking towards the door.
I stood up and ran infront of her still crying and asked please again.

As I received a disappointed head shake, I felt my heart break again, this time I was sure it wouldn't heal.
The love of my life standing infront of me was emotionless, like she had no tears left to cry and was done with this conversation.

"A few months ago, I would've never pictured our lives how they are right now. And I did definitely not imagine them to be like this because of you."
Again, I let out a deep heartbreaking sob while looking at my lover in the eyes, praying for her to let her explain,

"One day I hope you look at what we had and hate yourself for making it end."
And with that she passed next to me with her stuff, opening the door and stepping out. Looking back for a second she saw me, the person who she had been kissing passionately just a few hours ago, falling on her knees crying.
A tear escaped her eye and she closed the door, leaving.-

With a loud cry I jumped up, waking Emily too.
"Ali? Hey, hey what's wrong baby?" She asked, holding me close to her chest, as I kept sobbing into her arms.
"I'm sorry Emily, I am so sorry!" I told her through the tears and sobs.
I was shaking, reality was slowly hitting and I remembered she didn't know what I was sorry for.
"Alison, hey look at me," she gently grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips,
"It was just a nightmare okay? You're safe, you're with me."
"Please don't leave me again, I beg you please." I begged and pulled her closer, holding her body tightly against mine as if my life depended on it.
"I won't. I will never leave you again, I promise."


"I just feel horrible that we had to come back earlier because of me." I told her looking down.
She put her finger under my chin to lift it up, making me look at her.
She noticed a tear rolling down my face and frowned.

"Ali, come on there's something you're not telling me. You told me it was just a nightmare because of all this Ethan bullshit but, I'm starting to believe there's more."
I couldn't lie to her, but telling her the truth wasn't easy either.
For a few moments I thought about telling her. Telling her what I did and what I was so afraid of her finding out.

"I... I just want this to be over, and for us to be in peace again." I tried to convince her so she'd change subject.
For my surprise she stayed quiet and we kept driving until we arrived to her apartment.

"Home sweet home, I guess." She said as we entered and put our stuff down.
"Uhm I'll start unpacking my things okay?" I told her as I went to our room closing the door, not even looking at her or waiting for an answer.

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