16. Goodnight

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Alison s POV

"You did what?" Emily asked with her eyes wide open.

"Emily I accepted being a part of the agency with the agreement that we wouldn't mix personal issues with our professions. And he didn't do it. When I came back he barely talked to me and there was a day when I confronted him and... let's say it didn't go well." I explained as I stood up from the couch. She followed my steps with her eyes as I walked side to side.

"So now you're unemployed...because of me." I immediately turned my face to her.

"No no Emily this isn't you fault." I quickly kneeled infront of her and holded her hands.
"This was my decision."

"Alison your dad's personal issue is me. If I hadn't come back you-" I quickly put a hand up to cover her mouth and stop her from talking.
"I'd be married to someone who isn't you."

She sighed and looked down, I put a finger under her chin and said softly,
"Em, look. Yeah he was mad because of us, but who cares?  You didn't let my wedding to prevent you from finding me, will you really let my dad separate us? Because I won't, and this is actually pretty good. I mean now I don't have a reason to go back to Miami." And with that last sentence I finally managed to get a smile from her.
I didn't want her to feel guilty, specially because of the stupidity of my dad.

"So you're staying?" She asked and I nodded earning an even bigger smile that made me chuckle and smile too.

How I missed this girl.

"And I don't have to go very far, I mean I can find an apartment near here or something and get a job somewhere." I told her but she shook her head.

"No, no you can stay here, it's not very big but I have a little guest room. I use it when Mel comes over. And since you want to go slow, you can stay there."
I thought a little about it and I actually liked the idea. We'd be living togheter and it would be easier to get to know eachother again.
"Okay, sounds good to me. I hope Mel doens't mind though."
"Believe me she won't."


Emily s POV

"Excuse me what did you say? She is moving in??" Melina gasped.

Alison was in the bathroom while Melina and I were sitting at the table in this cafe we go sometimes.

"Yeah but as friends though, she wants to take it slow, so she'll stay in the guest room." I explained to her, but she only grinned mischievously at me.
"What?" I asked.
"3 months." She simply said and I frowned my eyebrows.

"3 months for what?" I was so confused.
"I bet that in 3 months that 'take it slow' will be over and you too will not just be sharing an apartment but also a bed." Before I was able to say something Alison came back from the bathroom.

I looked at Mel and she was still grinning at me, I just gave her a look to stop it. She chuckled and turned to Alison.

"So Alison I heard you're moving in." I widened my eyes at her in a 'are you serious' way.

"Uh yeah I am, I hope you don't mind, since you used the room sometimes." Alison said as she took a sip from her coffee.
"Oh please, of course I don t. It's Emily's house after all." Mel said and her phone started ringing.

"Hello...really?...UGH okay I'll find someone else." She put her phone down again and sighed frustrated.

"Work?" I asked and she nodded,
"I had an interview for the job as my assistant and the person just called saying she wasn't interested anymore. Like is she serius?"

And suddenly something popped in my head.
"Why don't you hire Alison?" Both girls looked at me.

Bad idea?

"I-I mean you're looking for someone to work with and Ali is looking for a job right?" I asked looking at Ali.

"Uhm y-yeah I am, I just thought it'd be harder to find one." Alison chuckled.

"Well I wouldn't mind to be honest. It's not that I'll be your boss, I just need someone to help me take care of the business stuff since I can't be in two places at the same time you know? You could actually be more helpful than an assistant since you have experience." Alison seemed to think a little about it.
"Well, being an assistant isn't really my thing..."

"No look, I just say that I'll find an assistant because the people who apply to the job usually don't have a lot of experience and can't really do a lot, but Emily told me about you working as a COO. So what do you say? Want to be my COO?" Melina asked giving her puppy eyes.

Alison and I laughed at my friend's childishness.
"Okay, I accept." Alison said and Melina squealed happily.
"Yeesss thank you Alison! This is going to be great. I just gotta go to the office and take care of some papers. You literally saved me and the fact that you're a girl and you won't be jumping on me like the last ones is definitely a bonus." We chuckled and she stood up.

"And don't worry I know that the only girl you'd jump on, is her." Melina whispered to Alison even though I could hear everything and than walked away quickly before I could slap her arm.

"I can't believe her." I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief.
"Well... she's not wrong." Alison said and I widened my eyes. When she met my gaze I couldn't help but blush and look down on my cup. My phone vibrated and I took it, it was a message from Mel,

3 months and I'll be telling you that I was right about you two.

"Let's go?" I looked up at Alison who was already standing up.
"Uh yeah."

If Mel is right, than I don't mind waiting 3 months to be Ali's again.

15 minutes later and we arrived at my apartment, we watched tv and ordered take out. Nothing happend we just talked about her moving in and working with Mel. After that, I helped her prepare the guest room.

"Aannd done." I say as we finish the bed.
"Voilà." I looked at her and smiled a little.
When she saw it she asked what and I couldn't help but to feel a little embarrassed,

"Nothing, it's just that hearing you speak french brought me some memories that's all."

"You and me in sweet Paris?" She asked while smiling at me, quoting her own phrase from years ago.
I blshsd again and she laughed softly.

"After so many years I can still make you blush... I'm glad I still have that effect on you."

"Well you were always a master at making me blush." I told her and she nodded,
"True, I'm not gonna lie, I liked to do it...still do."
A comfortable silence filled the room as we kept looking into eachother's eyes.

"Well I guess we should go to sleep." She said breaking the gaze.
"Yeah you're right." I started walking towards the door to leave, but than I stopped when I grabbed the door knob and looked at her,

"I'm really happy to have you back in my life, even if it's just as a friend."
She gave me a warm smile,
"Me too, very..."
I smiled back and opened the door stepping outside of the room. I looked back at her,

"Goodnight Ali."
"Goodnight Em."

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