46. My everything

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The hours passed and the group of friends were having the time of their lives. They had decided to leave the village they were staying at, and go to some shops and eat at a restaurant.
As they walked around, they laughed about past memories, memories that made them want to go back in time. It was one of those moments when you're with your friends, laughing and talking about stuff you had done before, stuff that in that moment seemed the end of the world, but now it makes you laugh and smile. Stuff that after all the happy tears, made you a little sad because those times are gone, and you can't have them back.
But not even that sad part, when you miss the past, was strong enough to ruin their day.

After spending the whole morning all togheter and after they already had eaten lunch, each couple went different ways. They agreed to meet back at the place they were staying, so that they could go see the village at night, just like Alison wanted.

"This place really is beautiful, I can't wait for tonight." Alison said excitedly as she squeezed Emily's hand.
"You can't wait for the part with the village, or for the part when I take you to bed?" Emily asked with a smirk on her face.
Alison suddenly looked at her girlfriend, shocked at her words.
Everyone had always seen Emily as the innocent of the group, but Alison was damn right when she said the brunette was sexy in the sheets. Alison definitely did not complain and it made her more than happy to know that she was the only one, to who Emily showed that side of her.

Alison decided to tease her girlfriend a little, so after she recovered from that comment, she looked back at the street and said,
"Definitely the part with the village."
Emily suddenly stopped walking, shock all over her face.
"What?" Alison asked innocently, pretending she didn't know what was happening.

"You did not just say that." Emily said, trying to hide the smile on her face.
Alison pretended to think for a second,
"You're right." She said and pecked her girlfriend on the lips.
"The part with the view in our room, will be amazing too."
Emily's expression came back and Alison just laughed as she kept walking, her hand still holding the brunette's.

"I hate you." Emily chuckled while walking a little behind her girlfriend.
The blonde shook her head, not looking back at Emily,
"No, you don't." Emily could hear the smile in the blonde's voice, which brought a smile to her face.
"No, I don't." The brunnette whispered more to herself.

She couldn't hate the blonde, for as much as she had tried in the past and for as much as she sometimes had wished she could, she knew that was impossible.

•Later that day•

"Okay, I didn't expect the village to look that pretty." Caleb confessed as they all sat down on the couches in their living room, they were all tired from walking all day.
"Yeah it was really great, and the snow just made everything better." Toby added.

Ezra chuckled, while playing with Aria's hair, the petite brunette was laying on the smaller couch with her head on his lap,
"Yeah, much better. Specially because Hanna used it to hit Caleb and ended up hitting Spencer right in the face."

They all laughed,
"She looked so scared that you'd throw her a big snowball." Aria said looking at Spencer who had a mad face while staring and Hanna.

"You're lucky Toby calmed me down, I was this close to bury you in the snow." The tall brunette confessed showing Hanna a little space between her fingers, l as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend who was sitting next to her.
"Aw so cute, the beauty calmed down the beast. Good job, Toby." Hanna said and Spencer shot her another death glare, which made all of them laugh even more.

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