12. Bad timing

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Alison's POV

When Emily ended the call with her mom we immediately drove to the airport. Since her parents were living in Texas it would take a flight of around 3 hours to get there. We were in the car and I didn't know what to tell her.

"What if he dies?" She whispered, her voice cracking.

"Hey Em don't say that. It's your dad okay? The Wayne Fields, he'll make it. I'm sure when we get there he'll be awake and fine." I said while driving and looking at her a few times.

"We? You-you're coming with me?"

Maybe I shouldn't. I mean I know we sort of made up but maybe she wants her space with her family now.

"Uhm well if-if you want I can just leave you at the airport and you can go. I-I just thought that-" I started to ramble when she hold my hand and brought it to her lips.

"Thank you. I really want you to come with me I was just afraid you'd not want to." She told me while looking down at our hands. I squeezed it making her look at me,

"Are you crazy? Even if what happend at my house didn't go as it did, I would still go with you Em. I was your bestfriend before your girlfriend and it's still the case." We smiled warmly at eachother and I kept driving while holding her hand.

We were really lucky when we got to the airport there was a flight just in time.
When we entered the plane to sut down Emily and I had seats next to eachother. During the hole flight she just stared out the window. Sometimes we'd talk a little but come on her dad was in the hospital, of course she wouldn't be in a mood to talk. So we just sitted there next to eachother. After a while she rested her head on my shoulder and we hold hands.

The timing was just great I mean the moment we were finally happy again something bad had to happen. It reminded me of the time when A was still after us. A good and happy moment was never a good sign in Rosewood.

When we finally landed we took a taxi and drove to the hospital. When we got there Em's mom, Pam, was sittingthere in a chair, waiting and it didn't look like she had news about her husband yet.

"Mom!" Pam stood up and hugged her daughter tightly as both of them cried.
I couldn't handle to see Emily like this. At my house I saw her beautiful brown eyes shine again. And I couldn't belive it only lasted a few minutes.

"Alison? Oh dear it's been so long, how did you get here?" She asked as she brought me into a tight hug too. I guess Emily didn't tell her about going to Miami to see me again.

"I was with Emily when you called. I'm really sorry Mrs. Fields. I'm sure everything will be alright. Mr.Fields is a very strong man." She smiled weakly and nodded.

"I still don't have any news about him. The doctor said he's still in surgery so we have to wait. The-the bullet was really close to his heart...so." She explained trying to hold back the tears.

We sitted down Emily was in the middle of us.
She took my hand and mouthed a thank you. I smiled at her and asked
"Do you want me to call the girls? I'm sure they'd like to be here for you."

"Yeah please." I stood up and went outside to call the girls. I called Hanna but she didn't answer so I called Aria. She picked up and after I told her everything, she said she'd get the others and they'd be here as soon as possible.

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