13. Missed you

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Melina's POV

When Emily called me, she sounded broken, I couldn't believe what she was telling me. When someone close to you is in the army, you know that there is always a possibility for something like this to happen. But you never expect it to and in that moment I didn't know what to tell her.
I tried to get to Texas the fastest I could after that phone call.

The next day I arrived at the hospital in the morning.
When I got in I immediately saw Emily in the waiting room with her mom.

"Emily," I called and she stood up giving me a big hug.
"I am so sorry Em."

When we pulled apart I wiped her tears and noticed two blondes behind her.
One of them was Hanna, when Emily and I were still in college and she would FaceTime the girls I used to be there too so I've met them before. But I never met Alison tho.
Guess now will be the time.
After Emily stepped aside I hugged her mother and then the other girls.
When it came to Alison's turn I gave her a little squeeze and whispered,

"I'm glad to finally meet the girl who stole her heart." We pulled apart and she smiled, you could see a little blush on her cheeks. I chuckled softly and we were about to sit down when a doctor came into the room.

"Family of Wayne Fields?"

Emily's POV

"Yes?" Me and my mom stood up immediately and I felt my heart racing like crazy.

"I'm really sorry for taking so long but we had some troubles during surgery. The bullet was hard to take out but we managed to do so. When we sent him to the recovery room, we had to take him back due to an internal bleeding. But after all of it, I can tell you that he's going to be fine."

Oh my god!

We all sighed in relief my mom hugged the doctor and we thanked him for everything.

"You can see him now, but he might only wake up in a few hours." We thanked him again and he left.

The girls agreed that my mom and I should go in alone first to see how he was.
We entered his room and there he was, laying on the hospital bed almost lifeless. He didn't move and the only sign of life was the cardiac monitor and the raising of his chest. I never thought I'd be in this situation. He's my hero, my superman, for me he was indestructible but of course that wasn't true. Thank God he made it and he's gonna be fine or else I don't know what I would've done. I feel like if I'd lose my dad I wouldn't know what to do with my life anymore, I'd be completely lost.

My mom was sitting in a chair while holding my dad's hand,

"Emmy why don't you take the girls home and eat something or take a shower. You have all been here for hours, go have some rest." She said as she handed me the keys to their house.

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?" I asked not really wanting to leave her there alone.

"Yes sweetie, go. I'll call you if he wakes up."
I nodded and kissed her forehead. I looked at my dad one last time before leaving the room and walking towards the girls.

"So how is he?" Aria asked.
"He's still sleeping but yeah I guess he will be okay. My mom said we should go to their house and rest a little. She said she'd call if he wakes up." They agreed and stood up. Since none of us had a car we had to take a taxi. Two actually. Me and Mel went inside one and the other 4 girls went in another.

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