17. Maybe you shouldn't

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You know you're in love when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. For the two of them wasn't perfect yet, they still needed their bodies close to eachother for it to be perfect, but they were both happy to be in eachother's life again. Even if it was just as friends, but that didn't make the thoughts of eachother leave their minds.

Both girls were laying in their own rooms, on their beds looking at the ceiling, and turning around countless times.
Not able to fall asleep Emily layed there in her bed at night, thinking about Alison who was just on the other side of the apartment. And she wondered if maybe the blonde was also laying in her bed unable to sleep, thinking about her too.

Little did she know that, that was exactly the reason why Alison kept turning around on her bed, awake at 2 am with nothing but the idea of her and Emily.
She wished that instead of laying there in the dark room, she could be in Emily's, both of them in the same bed feeling eachother's warmth and that she could lay her head on the brunette's chest and listen to her heartbeat.

Emily looked at the empty space next to her and thought about the things she'd tell the blonde if she was laying there, next to her.

The night passed and the girls eventually fell asleep, with tiredness.
The next morning at 9am Emily stood up almost immediately after she opened her eyes. She couldn't wait to see her beautiful blonde.

When the girls used to live togheter in Rosewood, Emily would always wake up before Ali and she'd just take those few minutes before the blonde would wake up, to just appreciate and admire the goddess laying next to her. She'd ask how she could've been so lucky. Of all the people in the world she was the only who got blessed to have the Alison DiLaurentis with her. Not just as a friend but as her other half.

After they broke up and even now, Emily felt jealous. She was jealous of the morning sun who gets to be the first to see Alison every morning, when she's still half asleep, groggy and painfully unaware of how beautiful she looks, jealous of the sheets who get to touch every part of her as she falls asleep, and also maybe jealous of the coffee cup Alison had every morning, who kisses her sleepy lips awake.

She wanted to be all those things again. To be the first one to see the blonde, to kiss and touch her. To have her.

Emily opened the door of her room to find an empty living room and kitchen. She thought that maybe the blonde was still asleep, so she took the opportunity and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth.
After that Alison hadn't showed up yet so Emily decided to make some breakfast. She prepared some pancakes and coffee always smiling, she just couldn't help the butterflies and the excitement.

After she finished it was around 10am so she decided maybe she should wake Alison up. She walked slowly to the bedroom door and knocked gently, after she got no answer she opened it, and she wasn't expecting what she saw.

The bed was made, and the curtains were open, letting the sunlight illuminate the room.
Emily imagined the worse, maybe Alison had left early but her clothes were there and that prevented Emily from panicking.

She wouldn't leave without her things, right?

As she was stepping out of the room wondering where Alison could be since she didn't know anyone else in Miami besides her and Melina, the front door opened.

Alison came in with a box, and from Emily's view you could see that the blonde was trying not to make any noise, probably wanting to make the brunette a surprise.
As she turned around after closing the door quietly she was met by a beautiful brunette leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

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