25. Good morning, Bad news

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Alison's POV

You know that moment before you really wake up, when your body is still sort of asleep and you start moving slowly until you finally open your eyes?
That's me right now.
But this time when I opened my eyes, I was met by a different view. Instead of an empty place next to me, I had a beautiful brunette.
Memories of last night came to my mind and all I wanted was to scream of excitement and jump around the room.

God how I missed her, how I missed nights like that.
And specially mornings like this.
When I'd be the first to wake up and find her by my side still peacefully asleep.
She had her bare back to me, her long beautiful brown hair all over the pillow, the sheets of the bed were tangled with our bodies and all the details in this moment were perfect.

I moved a little so I'd be even closer to her and gave her soft kisses on her shoulder blade and moving her hair to the side I kissed her neck too, her skin was the softest I've ever felt. She started to move but she didn't wake up.

Damn she's tired.

I was never a morning person, but since the first time I woke up with Emily by my side I realized, I always wanted to wake up first. Just so I could have those minutes before she'd wake up too.
Those minutes where I'd just lay there and admire her beauty, while she'd be there peacefully asleep. Sometimes when I'd wake up in her arms, I could even listen to her heartbeat, and I don't know, it always made me know that the day would be a good day.

Feeling the warmth of her body against mine and with my face buried on the back of her neck, she cuddled closer feeling my warmth.
I was about to fall asleep again but I heard my phone vibrate.


I thought to myself. I mean seriously? Who could it be?

As my brain was about to command my body to move and see who it was, I felt Emily move in my arms.
She slowly turned around and was now facing me.
She opened her eyes still sleepy and when she saw me, an adorable smile appeared.
Completely forgetting about the phone, I smiled too.

"Morning beautiful." I whispered and kissed her lips lightly.
"Good morning gorgeous." She said, still with her eyes closed. It was clear that she was still tired from last night and that made me chuckle a little.
She moved closer, if it was possible and put her face on the crook of my neck.
We were in a position where we were practically hugging eachother while laying on the bed.

"I love you Alison." She said, her voice a little muffled and it sounded so much cuter.
My heart melt and I hold her tightly, kissing her shoulder.
"I love you too Emily."

I could feel her going back to sleep and to be honest we were so comfortable that I was almost falling asleep too, when my phone started vibrating again.

"Who is it ?" Emily asked truning so she'd be laying on her back.
I moved and grabbed my phone.
When I saw who was calling me, I didn't really know how to react. And because of that the person ended the call and now I was starring at the name underneath the "missed calls".
He had already called me twice and sent a message asking me to contact him as soon as possible.

"Ali? Babe what's up" Emily's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at her,
"Uhm. My dad."

She looked surprised too.
"Are you gonna call him back?"
"I don't know Em." I sighed deeply and felt her sit up on the bed pulling me closer to her.

Grabbing my face to make me look at her she said,
"Look, I know it's not easy. And I don't know what were the things you told eachother the last time you met, but I know how much you love your dad. And I know how much it hurts you to be like this, so... just see what he wants. Maybe it's something good."
She right, it hurted me a lot to be like this. But I had my pride and like always I didn't want to be the one taking the first step.
But I guess he took the first step by calling me. So why not? I just hope I don't regret it.

I nodded,
"You're right. I'll call him but right now, I'm gonna take a shower." I pecked her lips and stood up.
"Mind if I join you?" She asked, I looked back and she had that smirk on her face while checking me out.
I laughed,
"Have I ever?" And with that she practically jumped up and we got inside the bathroom.

Emily's POV

After the shower we went to a close Café to have breakfast. Everything was going fine, we were happy and I was really grateful I had this idea of spending the weekend here with Ali. We were in that part of the relationship where we are just simply in love, where nothing else matters but us.
But of course it didn't last long. Melina had sent me a text while Ali and I were having breakfast asking me to call her as soon as possible. But she asked me to not tell Alison.

Saying that I was nervous was underrated. After all the things that happened in Rosewood something like this always gives me goosebumps.
It really seamed serius so, when Ali stood up to go to the bathroom I called Melina.

"Hey Mel, I got your message." I said when she picked up the phone.

"Hey Em look I know I promised to not bother you two this weekend but this is urgent and I wanted you to know." She seemed nervous too and I really didn't know what to expect. I just knew it wasn't something good.

"Tell me."
I heard her sigh deep before she told me,
"Yesterday I was in my office, and someone showed up to talk to me." I frowned a little.

Who could it be to let her like this?

"It was Ethan."
"Oh okay. Why would he talk to you? I didn't even know he knew you."
It really was weird but I still didn't understand what the problem was.

"Yeah but apparently he did some research... Emily he came to ask for my help. To...To break you and Alison apart again."

In that moment, my face went pale. I was shocked as hell. I couldn't belive it. Ethan seemed to be such a good guy and he accepted everything well and was happy for us. What the hell is going on than?

"Wha-But thag doesn't make any sense. He was so nice to me. And he accepted Ali's decision, what the fuck is his problem now?" I asked a little angry now. I just have the feeling things are gonna start to get messed up and I hope we're ready for this.

"Apparently he was totally okay until he researched you and the stuff about your past showed up. He discovered about the alcohol and even about the bitches you'd sleep with Em! He's a freaking stalker! And now that he knows all of those things he thinks you're not good enough for Ali." She explained and I couldn't help but close my eyes.

It's my fault.

My past came to haunt me again and now it might cost my relationship with Ali. At least she knows what happend in the past so if he comes up with that, she won't be surprised or feel betrayed that I didn't tell her.

"And what did you do?" I asked with my forehead on my palm, my eyes closed as I totally forgot Alison would show up at any time.

"I told him that I'd never help him. And that you were the one for Ali and that he was a fucking asshole for thinking the opposite. But Emily you gotta be carefull. You should tell Alison specially because he told me that with or without my help he'd make Ali come came back to him."
As I was about to explode in anger because I'm really hating this guy right now, Alison sitted on the chair infront of me. As soon as she saw my face expression she knew something was up and her smile immediately faded away.

"Okay Mel I'll- I'll take care of things. Thank you for telling me. Bye."

When I put the phone down I didn't know what I'd tell Alison next.

Should I tell her what Melina told me?
Should I try to take care of this alone?
I really don't know, and I really don't want to ruin our weekend because of this.
But maybe I should.

She put her hand in mine making me look at her in the eyes.
Those beautiful ocean blue eyes filled with worries.

"Em? What's wrong?"

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