37. Like old times

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Ethan stepped aside, letting Alison come inside his house. She suspiciously looked around, whatever this was, she had to get out of that house safely.

"So, what is it?" Alison asked as they were both in the living room.
He gestured to the couch and after staring at him for a couple of seconds, she took a seat.

"Thank you, for coming." He said sitting across from the blonde.
"I'm just here because you said you had something to show me." Alison's voice was cold.

Ethan swallowed visibly and cleared his throat,
"Look Alison, I also wanted to apologize to you for, everything. What I did was, really unforgivable and stupid."

"You didn't have the right to come between me and Emily like that." She told him.
"Well in my defense, she did it with us too-"
Before he could finish his sentence, Ali raised a hand, interrupting him.
"No. She didn't. Unlike you, Emily gave me space and let me decide for myself what I wanted. And I know that even if I had chosen you, she would never do something like this. Because if I had chosen you, it would mean that I was happier with you and she would've understood it. But you... No you just decided to try and turn me against her."

Ethan slowly nodded as he looked at the ground,
"Is that why you left? Because you're happier with her? Than what happend to those nights you'd cry your eyes out? When I'd ask what was going on and you wouldn't tell me? I knew it Alison. I knew it was because of something from your past and now I know it was because of her! So tell me how can you be happier with a person that hurt and made you cry so much ?!" His voice started to raise a little.
It wasn't enough to intimidate the blonde though, nowadays it took a lot to intimidate any of the liars.

Ethan kept telling himself mentally to keep calm or his plan would fail, but the anger was starting to eat him from inside.

"Ethan I didn't cry because of her hurting me or anything! God are you that stupid? I cried because I didn't have her anymore. I felt so much pain because I lost her, it made me wonder if I had been shot or anything. But I realized I had lost the love of my life."
Alison wasn't worried anymore if she was hurting his feelings. The man she had agreed to marry wasn't the one sitting in front of her.
She felt like he had two personalities, one where he was sweet and understanding, where all he wanted was for her to be happy. And another where all his anger would come to surface and he'd say how much he wanted revenge.

"I'm sorry if you felt used or anything, but I love Emily and always will no matter who or what comes on our way."
Silence filled the room.

"Than if you knew you wouldn't love anybody else, why say yes when I asked you to marry me? Do you have any idea of how much it hurt? To hear you say you loved someone else on our wedding day Alison?" Ethan's broken voice was heard again and Alison started to feel guilty.

Before she entered the house, she wanted to scream at him and call him every bad word. But now hearing him and also putting herself in his place, she realized it must've been hard for him too.

"In the wild world, there is no more desperate creature, than a human being on the verge of losing love. And I was desperate, that I wouldn't feel loved ever again. I felt lonely even when I was loved by my family and friends, but I felt like I wasn't anybody's one and only anymore and when you came and showed me love, I guess I hold on to it so tightly cause I was afraid it would be my last chance.
When Emily came back, I realized that it wasn't the future that I was afraid of. It was repeating the past, repeating the same mistake of letting her go that made me anxious." Ethan looked at the blonde as she stared at nothingness and spoke,

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