26. Irresistible

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"Em?" Alison's voice was heard once again. Emily was still debating between telling her or not and the girl didn't just feel confused now, she was also scared.
What would happen if she told Alison about Ethan? How would she react?
What would she want to do about it?

Since the two girls started dating again, there was one subject they didn't talk about. And that was her relationship with the guy. Emily didn't know why she never asked but she thought she didn't have to, since he was a part of the past now. And to be honest, she didn't think she'd like to hear the story about Ali and her boyfriend.

But maybe she should have.
At least now she'd probably have an idea of how Alison would react.

While millions of thought and doubts invaded her mind, Emily moved her gaze to Alison's hand where the promise ring she had gave her just the night before, was beautifully on display.
Emily smiled warmly at the view. It reminded her that Alison and her belonged together and this situation with Ethan, would just be another obstacle that they would manage to pass through.

"It looks even more beautiful in your hand." Emily said as she still admired it.
Alison leaned a little over the table and put her warm hand on the brunette's cheek.

"Don't forget what it means. And what you promised when you gave it to me. I love you Emily, so whatever it is, just say it."

Emily sighed deeply and that act, somehow made Alison feel a cold vibe down her spine.

"Melina called me... And she told me something that you need to know." Emily took Ali's hand in hers and looked at the blonde's heart shaped face, filled with worry.
"And I will tell you what it is, but I still want to have at least one more day without discussions and... worries."

"Emily you can't expect me to hear you say that she gave you bad news and now to stay calm and act as if nothing is happening. Just tell me what happend this time?"

You could see in both girl's faces that this was already hurting them. They were finally in a good place, happy and in love, having a wonder weekend away from all the problems.
But the problems followed them and now it was probably time to come back to reality.
They just wished they could have a little longer.

"Okay, but let's go somewhere else."
Alison nodded and they both stood up.
Emily knew that this would probably affect a little the blonde, so they decided to go home and have some privacy.
The 10 minutes walking were silent, both girls holding tightly eachother's hands.

When they arrived, they sitted near the pool, their feet in the water, you could tell Emily was nervous and Ali was scared of what was yet to come.

"Melina called to warn me. About Ethan." Emily finally spoke and Alison frowned, but before she could ask what she meant, Emily kept talking.

"He came to her office and asked her to help him. He doesn't want us to be togheter, because he found out about my past with the alcohol and the girls I used to sleep with. He wanted her help to break us apart."
Alison couldn't believe what she just heard.
She knew the guy, he was going to be her husband for gods sake. She couldn't imagine him doing somthing like this, specially not to her. He loved her, not as much as Emily but you could tell that he loved her.

Ali only realized a tear had escaped her left eye, when she felt Emily's soft hand wipe it away.
"I can't believe it." Alison left out as a whisper, a broken one.

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