3. Not mine anymore

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After Emily calmed her breathing both girls stood up from the floor and Melina helped Emily sit down on her couch. She quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.
She gave it to Emily who was staring at nothingness while tears kept rolling down her face.
She took the glass with her trembling hands and drank a little bit of water putting the glass on the coffee table.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Melina asked carefully while holding her friend's hand, afraid to cause more tears to appear. She wasn't sure what to do.
It was one of those moments when you want to help that person but you don't know what to say or do, you feel unpowered and helpless.

"I can try." A low whisper left the brunette's mouth. If they weren't in a silence so deep Melina wouldn't have heard it.
"Take your time sweetie, I'm right here." Melina squeezed her friend's hand lightly to show her she wasn't alone.

Melina could be annoying and sometimes she had that funny stupidity but she had a golden heart and friendship was one of the most important things to her.

Emily swallowed deeply and after a few seconds she started talking,

"You know that sometimes I still talk to the other girls... Today I called Spencer, she seemed happy and I asked what was going on cause the last time we talked she was stressed and busy with work."
Melina sitted there listening to every word carefully, she knew it was going to hurt Emily to tell her this so she let her take her time.
A few seconds later Emily had the strength to keep going,

"She said she was out of work for this weekend cause Toby and her are flying to Miami... At first I thought they would take a time off you know? But then I remembered that she lives there too." Her eyes started to get watery again.

"You mean Alison?" As Melina said her name Emily closed her eyes letting a few more tears escape.
She nodded and continued,

"Spencer must've realized what I was thinking about because she became nervous. I guess I wasn't supposed to find out. So I asked her what was the special occasion... She sighed and I knew she wasn't comfortable to be the one saying it... After a few seconds she said that-" Emily couldn't help anymore and a sob left her mouth.
Melina hugged her tightly and waited for Emily to continue. Still crying she finished her sentence,

"She said that-that Alison is getting married this weekend! I just broke. Sh-She's getting married Mel. I lost her! I can't even explain what I felt. It was even worse then when I left Rosewood because now...now she really is gone. She isn't mine anymore."


Emily's POV

After I finally stopped crying, I explained to Mel where I went for the hole day.

After the news I left the apartment and literally just walked around the city. I just had to do something. I knew that if I went to a bar I'd drink my ass off and it wouldn't end up well so I just walked and thought.
Sometimes I'd stop in a park and just sit in a bench thinking of how stupid I am for losing Alison and only realizing it now that she's happy again.

People that passed by and stared at me. To them I was a girl having a bad day. It didn't bother them so they kept walking.

Then there was an old lady that came up to me and she could've asked if I was okay, that's what some people do even if it's obvious that I'm not, but she didn't ask that. She sitted by my side and she asked,
"Is there anything I can do honey?" I looked her in the eyes. They were kind and gentle. I always loved old people. Yes some can be rude but just like this woman they can also be kind and wise.

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