34. Familiar face

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One week later.

"Hey Alison do you have the papers for the meeting ready?" Melina asked as she entered Alison's office.
"Yeah they're right here." The blonde handed her the papers and before Melina turned around to leave she asked,
"Do you want to join me ?" Alison looked up from the laptop, her eyes a little widened.

"Uh, you sure ?" She asked.

Melina had a small agency where her and her employees would plan events. Since Melina's parents were rich and had a lot of contacts, important and well known people would contact her to plan their events and parties.

"Of course, you're like the second boss here remember? And you've done this before. But don't worry, it's just some meeting to get some infos about an event, you won't have to do much." Melina gave her a smile and Alison stood up.
"Okay, let's do it."

They both made they're way to the conference room.
Inside were Liam, Ava and another blonde woman around their age but Alison didn't know who she was.

"Good morning everyone, this is Alison DiLaurentis, my business partner. Ms. DiLaurentis this is Ms.Cook. She's here to give us the details about the event for her boss's new product."
Melina explained as she introduced the two blondes to eachother.

"I guess we can start now. Ms. Cook tell us what we need to know." Melina said as everyone was now sitting at the round table.

"So, my boss wants to have a party for the announcement of his new product which are new swimming googles. I know it sounds a little weird to throw an event because of googles but the people that will be there are all either professional swimmers or they have something to do with swimming. These new googles feel incredibly light on the face, leave no marks, they hold in position perfectly with no leakage when diving into the water and a lot of other things. So for swimmers this is something they are all excited about."

As the blonde spoke, Alison imagined if this would interest Emily. Maybe the brunette would be excited about these googles too.

"Sounds great. So we just need to know how many people will be there, when the event will be and where. If you don't have a location we can always suggest you some and take you there so you can have a look around. And also how much you are willing to pay of course. I have here the paperds you also need to sign." Melina explained as she took the papers and handed them to the blonde.

After about 15 minutes of talking and giving some details about the event, Alison took a look at some of the papers to see the name of the blonde.
Samara Cook.

The name didn't say anything to Alison as she looked at this Samara girl and smiled as their gaze met.
On the other hand Samara looked a little uncomfortable around Alison since Melina had introduced them both.

"Well I guess it's everything for now. My assistant Ava will call you if we need anything else." They all stood up to shake hands.
When finally it came to the two blondes to shake hands, everyone except her and Samara were in the room.

"Excuse me but your name is Alison DiLaurentis?"
Samara asked and Ali looked at her confused to why she was asking,
"Yes, that's me."

"Did you live in Rosewood?"

Oh no.

Alison thought to herself, apparently this girl knew her and probably about her past too.

"Uh yes. I did why?" Alison swallowed hard waiting for the answer.

"It's just... I heard a lot about you. People thought you were..." Samara hesitated to say the word but Alison knew exactly what she wanted to say.

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