20. Soulmate

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Emily's POV

After cuddling and kissing we finally stood up. As Alison took a shower I made the breakfast.
The hole time I was smiling like I had won the lottery because I actually felt like it.
She was mine again, and this time I wouldn't leave her for anything in the world.

I was doing some pancakes while dancing as the radio played, a few minutes later as I kept dancing while putting the pancakes on the plates I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

Alison pulled me softly closer to her body and kissed my cheek,
"Someone's happy today." She says  as we stayed in the same position, our bodies pressed against eachother.

"Hm no, not really, just my normal mood." I said jokingly and she stepped back pretending to be hurt with her hand on her chest.
"Wow. Well if that's the case I suppose you don't mind if I'll just have breakfast at the Rose than." She raised her eyebrow and started walking towards the door.
With long steps I quickly got infront of her with a smirk. She tried to hide hers and folds her arms turning her head to the left. I tried to give her a kiss but she took a step back making me gasp in surprise.

She's adorable but two can play this game.

"Hm okay. You can go, I'll eat my pancakes and take a shower. Maybe we can meet later if you want." I said walking back to the kitchen. She definitely was not expecting me to back off so easily.

"S-So you don't mind me going?" She asked, slowly reaching the door, testing to see if I'd give in.
"Nope." I said popping the 'P'.

I didn't even make eye contact with her, but I could feel her staring at me, she knew I had won.

"Okay see you later." And she opened the door, stepped out and closed it behind her.

What the hell?
I thought I had won!

I quickly ran to the door to stop her, as soon as I opened it I was met by a blonde smirking at me with her head tilted.

She won.

"Sweet Em, I know it's been 5 years but I can't believe you forgot that the Alison DiLaurentis never loses." She winked devilishly and entered the apartment again. I stood there by the door and chuckled.


"Alright, you got me. Point Ali." I sitted next to her on the kitchen counter where our pancakes were, she was still smiling proudly that she won.
I laughed shaking my head. She leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips.

As we kept eating, I decided to tell Alison about the job thing.

"Ali?" She looked at me,
"I've been thinking and now that you're staying and you already have a job with Mel, I thought it's time for me to get a job too."

Her face light up,
"That's a great idea Em. I'm proud of you. Do you have anything in mind?" She asked as she took my hands in hers, turning around on the chairs now face to face.

"Yeah, I um wanted to find something to do with swimming you know. Maybe as a coach in a school."
She smiled widely at me, grabbing my face with both hands she kissed my lips.

"I'm glad you want to do this." She told me as we looked into eachother's eyes.
"My excuse was that I didn't have you, and since I do now, I wanna make this right."

After Igot dressed too, we decided to go out and walk through the city.
Walking hand in hand, I couldn't explain how I felt, it was so much more than happiness, she always has made me feel like this.
I always liked to hold her hand in mine, the way they fitted perfectly togheter, itms like they were made for eachother. I knew that as long as I had her with me I could do anything, and when I let go of her hand 5 years ago my world crumbled, so now I'll hold her hand for the rest of my life. Not just because I don't to feel the pain again, but also because I saw how a life looks like without her, and it's my worst nightmare.

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