5. Touching the wound

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"Hey Alison."

"Oh my god Liv what are you doing here??" Alison asked as she jumped and hugged her friend tightly.
"You said you couldn't make it because of your business trip."
"Alison come on, you really think I'd miss my bestfriend's wedding?" The girls pulled apart and got inside Ali's house.

As Spencer saw that it wasn't Emily she let a sigh of relief.
"Were you expecting it to be Emily?? Oh my god Spencer! Emily is coming? Today?" Hanna whispered/yelled at her bestfriend who was sitting next to her on the couch.
"Wait WHAT?" Aria heard the girls and was shocked with what Hanna said. Both Aria and Hanna looked at Spencer who didn't know what to say.

"Hey girls I want you to meet Olivia. She was my roommate in college and she's a dear friend of mine." The girls all hugged and introduced eachother.

"Liv is a businesswoman. She helps taking care of her grandfather's company so she has to travel a lot. Aaand she had told me she couldn't make it." All the girls were in the living room chatting when Spencer got a message.
"I wouldn't miss this for anything Ali."

As Alison and Liv kept talking and catching up Spencer discretely nudged Hanna to get her attention and showed her the message.
Hanna looked at her and Aria was clueless waiting to get some information.
Hanna stood up and said she was going to make some drinks. Spencer and Aria took the hint and went with her to the kitchen.

After Spencer explained everything she showed Aria the text,
'I'll be there in 5'
"Shit." Aria whispered and looked up from the phone.
"Do you guys think it's a good idea?" Hanna asked.
As Spencer was about to open her mouth to talk the bell rang again.
The girls looked at eachother and sprinted to the front door just in time to see Alison turning the knob.

This is it.
Emily's POV

Shit shit shit. I'm really doing this! I'm so nervous. Jesus why am I doing this I shouldn't be here. She's getting married for god's sakes!!

These were some of the thoughts I was having while sitting inside the car a few blocks away from the adress Spencer sent me.
As I approached Alison's adress I started to feel really nervous and had to stop the car.
Now I've been here for almost 20 minutes thinking if I should really do this or not.

You came all the way here, don't give up now. Imagine how it will feel to see her again. Her beautiful blue eyes, her perfect curled blonde hair, just everything you've missed so much for 5 years.

As I told myself that, I sent Spencer a message and started driving again.

Let's do this.
Alison's POV

As I was in the living room with Liv, the door bell rang. This time it had to be the pizza guy so I stood up and went to the door and opened it.

And that's when everything stopped.

It can't be! It's not her!
This my imagination!

My brain kept telling me that this wasn't happening but my eyes were focused on the beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I haven't seen in so long.
My heart was racing so fast and I didn't know what to do.

"Hey Al-" she started saying, but hearing her voice was so...so painful? But it also felt good, I had missed her soft voice.

My instinct was to close the door and that's what I did. I closed the door in her face and leaned my forehead against it.

"No." I whispered ,"Please God don't do this to me now."

Why was she here? Why now?
Now that I had found piece. Or at least a way to not think about her.
Now that my heart was finally healing. Or at least it wasn't hurting so much anymore.
Now that I had fallen in love with someone else. Or at least someone who made me feel loved again.

It's not real.

I swallowed hard, took a deep breath and slowly started opening the door.

Please be my imagination.

I can't really tell you if I wanted her to be on the other side or not.
Yes, cause it's her.
No, cause it's HER!
And I'm getting married this afternoon for god's sake! She can't come her on my wedding day!

I was opening the door and then I looked up.

It's real.
She gave me an apologetic smile.
"I can't do this." I said and ran upstairs.
Emily's POV

When Alison opened the door everything stopped. We stood there for almost 10 seconds just starring at eachother. She looked so shocked and I just couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful she looked.

I had almost forgotten of how much beauty she was made of. Those eyes, her face, everything.

I had finally got the strength to say something,
"Hey Al-" boom. She closed the door in my face.

Well that went well.
At least she didn't slap you or anything.

I didn't know what to do.
Was she mad? Does she want me to leave?
But for some reason I didn't move.
Maybe because I was hopping she'd open the door again or maybe because I was so shocked of her reaction.

But I can't blame her.
Maybe Spencer was right, I shouldn't have come. Now she probably hates me even more.

But then the door started opening again.
When I could see her she was looking down, then she looked at me again, her eyes with some kind of sadness.
I smiled apologetic at her.

Maybe I really am being selfish for showing up now.
"I can't do this." She said leaving the door open and running upstairs.
Behind her I could see Aria, Spencer, Hanna and another brunette standing there, all of them not knowing what to do or say.
They probably saw what happend.

I didn't know if I should enter the house or not. Maybe I should just leave.

"Are you Emily?" The brunette came up to me.
"Uh y-yeah I am." I wasn't sure of who she was but apparently she knows who I am.

She stood aside, gesturing me to come in.
I did so and the other three girls came to me and we hugged.

"We're so sorry." They said as we pulled away.
"I missed you girls." I smiled sadly.
I just wanted to run upstairs and apologize to Alison.

I turned to the unknown brunette.
"I'm Olvia." Now I know who she is.
Alison told me about her roommate Oliva when we still talked and she seemed a cool girl.
I guess their friendship grew.

"It's nice to meet you. I am sorry for showing up like this. It's probably really selfish but I had to do something." I explained.

"Couldn't you have done it earlier?"she said coldly.


Now I see why Alison liked her. She has the same cold stare, the words that can hit you hard.
I knew she was protecting Alison and that made me appreciate her.

"I know...Call me a selfish coward,it's what I am. But I had to see her one last time."

"You aren't a coward. If you were you wouldn't have had the balls to come here on her wedding day. I don't know the reason why you didn't come earlier but... I know you loved eachother. And apparently she still has feelings for you. But she's getting married this afternoon and we should leave in a bit to start getting ready. So if she's not sure about it then I suggest you go talk to her right now so she can figure out what to do." She said with confidence.

I looked at the girls behind me.
They smiled and I started to make my way upstairs when Olivia took my arm and whispered,

"Just know that... she's still broken...and by showing up here you're touching the wound again. So just be careful with your words. I've seen her bleed and I don't want that to happen again." She told me looking in my eyes.

"I will."

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