39. New informations

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The day before. Also, Kenneth's part of the story.
Kenneth's POV

"You better stay out of my way Kenneth!" I heard Ethan yell before I got inside my car.
"God." I breathed out after I got in and put my seatbelt on.
I can't believe that Ethan is being this psycho.
He used to be such a good young man and now he gives me that creppy look like he wants to kill someone... I just need to speak to Alison. She needs to be warned that this stupid plan Ethan had in mind could get much worse and dangerous.

I started the car and drove away. 15 minutes later I was driving on a shortcut that goes through a little forest.
Not a lot of cars were seen on this road, but for some reason today, there was another one.
A black Mercedes was behind my BMW and for the last 3 turns, he kept following me.
"I'm just being stupid right?" I asked to myself.
As I was about to take a turn to the left again, I heard the car behind me accelerate. I just had time to look at the reflector before I felt this huge impact on the back of the car.

"No no no no!!" I yelled in panic as my car went off the road and was spinning around.
I tried my best to control it but it was useless. The car ended up hitting a tree and my head violently hit the wheel. It wasn't enough to make me lose my consciousness though. A couple minutes later, I see a man approach my car, I knew it was useless to ask him for help, cause this person was the Mercedes' driver.

The keys of my car had fallen from the ignition and were really close to my hand. Slowly so the man wouldn't notice, I took the keys in my hand.
The guy approached me with a ski mask on his face,
"Hello there." He said with a happy voice,
"Let's get you out of here."
When he leaned above me to take my seatbelt off, with all the strength I had left, I lifted my hand with the keys and stabbed him with one.
When I saw that it didn't affect him as much as I wish it did, I knew I had made a mistake and now he was pissed.

He groaned in pain and looked at his wound.
"You son of a bitch!" And with that he punched me in the face, and I blacked out.

Around 3 hours later.

"Wake up!" I felt someone giving me little but hard slaps on my cheek to wake me up.
My head still hurted like hell and I could see the blood on my shirt.

I lazily opened my eyes and saw a big man, a few inches taller than me but definitely much stronger. He was sitting on a chair opposite from mine. My hands and ankles were ducked tapped to the wooden chair.
Around me, were four cement walls and this guy and I were the only ones on this side of the door.

Hearing him chuckle brought my gaze back to his face. He was still wearing the ski mask so I could only see his brown eyes, almost black.

"You look pretty beaten up man." He said sarcastically with a fake concerned face.
I clenched my jaw while looking him in the eyes,
"Who are you?"

He shook his head,
"You see this is what I never understand. Do you really think I will tell you my name? What's next my address? Seriously, I mean in all the movies that's always the question, but do you really believe you'll get a real answer for it? You should rather ask if I plan on killing you though. That would be a good question."

"Well, are you?" I asked, to be honest I didn't know if I wanted to hear the answer.
"Hm..." he put a hand on his chin like he was thinking about it,
"No, not yet. Depends on how you behave and on what my boss decides to do with you."
He looked at me for a few seconds in the eyes and than started laughing.

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