27. Secrets

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Alison's POV

Standing up from the towel where I was laying on the grass, I looked down and Emily was asleep.
After being on the pool, we got out and layed down to sunbathe a little.
But the thought of what she told me couldn't let me relax. So I decided to call Mel.

I entered the house to grab my phone that was on the couch from the living room, since the house had big glass doors I could still see my beautiful girlfriend, her perfectly sculpted body laying there as her chest calmly raised and lowered. She was perfect, inside and out.
With a foolish smile on my face, I brought the phone to my ear as I waited for Mel to answer.

"Hey Alison, uhm what's up?"
"Emily told me Mel, no need to be nervous." I told her and she chuckled.

"Good. I wasn't sure if she'd tell you or not." The girl sighed in relief.

"She did, this morning. Look... I've been thinking about Ethan and all the things you told Emily. Did he... Did he say something about, like a plan?" I asked her.
"No, he didn't. When he told me why he needed my help, I immediately told him to get out of my office. I didn't really give him time to explain what the plan was. Why?"

I swallowed and looked back again at Emily, I could feel my heart ache a little.
"Did he... Did he say something about me and him? Or just about me? Cause you said he told you he knew those things about Emily." I asked her, hoping she wouldn't hear my nervousness.

"Uhm, no he didn't say anything about you except that you should be with him and not with Em."
All I did was nod slowly even though she couldn't see me. After a few seconds of thinking, I heard her voice again.

"Ali? Is everything alright ?" I could hear that she was suspicious and, well she had the right to be. But I won't tell her the truth, not until I talk to Ethan about this plan of his.
Nobody will know unless there is no other option.

"Yeah of course. I'm just a little nervous because I really don't want him to ruin my relationship with Emily." I tried to assure the other brunette who piece by piece was getting even more suspicious.
But what I said isn't a complete lie. I am scared to lose Emily again.

"Well I know Emily has no secrets, so you don't have to worry about discovering anything bad. And... if you don't have any secrets either, than I don't see what he could use against you. Unless you actually do have something you're hiding."
My heart was racing faster and faster, the old Ali would've found something to make her quit this conversation. But that was the problem about the new Ali, the new me. I wasn't as good as I was before with all the lying. And that could bring me consequences with Melina.

"No I don't." Was all I said, simply because I didn't know what else to say.
"Alright. Than you shouldn't worry about anything I guess." She told me but of course she wasn't convinced about me not having secrets.
Maybe this call was a mistake, now that she's suspicious maybe she'll tell Emily. Or in a worse scenario, she won't. And instead of telling Emily that she has doubts about my sincerity, she'll make research about the last five years.

"You're probably right. I guess I'm just overreacting a little." As I said that, I felt two tanned arms wrap around my waist from behind.
I jumped a little because I completely forgot about Emily and with this tense conversation I didn't even hear her enter the living room.

"Uhm Emily is here, do you wanna talk to her?" I asked as Emily put my hair to a side and kissed my neck.
"No it's okay. I have some work to do, I'll call her later...Bye Alison."
Ending the call and turning around to see my favorite human on earth, my heart ached again, but I tried to force a smile so she wouldn't ask questions.
Questions I wasn't sure if I could answer.

"Was that Melina?" She asked me, I just nodded and grabbed her face, giving her a soft kiss.
I wanted to tell her I was sorry, but I'd have to tell her what I was sorry for, and this wasn't the right moment.

"Mmm, so tell me, we still have the rest of today and tomorrow for just the two of us. What do you wanna do?" She seemed so excited and happy. I knew she was. And before this morning I was the happiest on earth too. And now more than ever, I wished I could go back in time and change what I did.

"You choose. I'll let you take charge of our activities since it was your idea to come here." I told her as I did my best to give her a real smile.

She looked at me in the eyes for a few moments.
Moments in which I was praying for her to ignore whatever she saw in my eyes.
She had always been the best at reading me and when we were younger I loved that, because I wouldn't have to say things I was scared to say, so she'd understand what I was felling. Emily could do it by just looking me in the eyes.
But for once I was hoping she wouldn't.

"Okay," she said softly, touching my cheek with her warm hand. I closed my eyes as she did so.
"Than let's go eat and than we'll find something to do."
Before I opened my eyes, I felt her lips on mine again. In a slow, full of meaning kiss.
Emily knew something is going on.
Let's see how long I can keep it from her.


Emily's POV
I wasn't stupid or blind. I knew something was bothering her.
I didn't hear much of her conversation with Melina but she seemed nervous.
Maybe it's because of this thing with Ethan, or maybe her situation with her dad.
I know it's not easy for her, so instead of asking her questions, I'll give her time until she's ready to talk.

So as we're in this outdoor restaurant eating, I picked up her phone and dialed her dad's number.
Before pressing 'call' I gave it to her.
She slowly stopped chewing her food and put her fork down.

"Emily, I don't know if I should."
I looked at her and grabbed her hand, putting the phone in it.
"You said you would." I told her with my eyebrows raised.
She sighed deeply and took the phone. Looking at me one last time she called him and put it on speaker.

"Alison?" Kenneth's voice was heard after a few moments and Alison looked up at me. I nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it's me. I got your message."
"God, Ali I know that the last time we spoke it didn't go well, but you can't just disappear and not answer our calls and messages." The man seemed worried but all Alison did was roll her eyes.

"I am doing it now aren't I?" She said in a bitchy way and I gave her the look to chill a little.
"Look, if you only called me to see if I'm alright don't worry. I'm with Emily and I couldn't be better so-" She was speaking but he interrupted her.

"No, Alison please, please honey come back. We need you here. Not just in the company but also in our lives. Your mother and I were worried sick about you. I know my actions and words weren't correct but I love you and I can't live like this." He seemed sincere and Ali knew it too. She was looking at me, expecting some reaction but this was her decision to take.
She scratched her forehead before sighing again,

"I will not go back to the company because I already have a job that I love. But... If you want we can, meet. And talk about stuff." She finally gave in and I had this huge proud smile on my face.
"Yes of course. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there. And it can be there in Miami I don't mind, just let me now."
"I will, bye." And she ended the call.

"See was it that hard?" I asked her with a knowing smirk on my face.
She faked a smile and said,

Hey guys, I was wondering if maybe you'd like longer chapters? Or is this good? Also let me know if you're enjoying the book or if it's getting boring. ❣️

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