19. I love you

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After their conversation the girls spent the rest of their day at the beach. They went to swim a couple of times and had a lot of fun togheter. They stayed there until they could see the sunset, Alison still remembered how much Emily loved sunsets.
And what Ali loved the most about them, was that while Emily was focused on the view, taking it in, the blonde would focus on how beautiful Emily looked. The warm light of the sun caressing the brunette's perfect features.

Alison always found Emily flawless, and that afternoon Ali saw that again and she couldn't help but fall even more for the girl.
She thought it was impossible, to love Emily more than she already did, but everyday there would always be something, a word, an act, anything that would prove Alison wrong, and the blonde absolutely loved it.

Emily loved the sunsets since she was young.
People would ask her why she loves it if it shows that everything has an end. But the color of the sun is what always made her happy. It reminded her that whatever happend the entire day, you can still get a beautiful thing in the end.
Sometimes while watching it she'd look at Alison and find the blonde staring at her lovingly. The way those ocean blue eyes would shine because of the light of the sun made Emily's heart flutter.
It was always a moment both girls loved to spend togheter, it was their special moment, after a long day, sometimes a not so good day, they'd just sit somewhere with a good view and admire the sun and also eachother.

So after that beautiful afternoon they went home.
As they arrived to the apartment, Liv called Alison by FaceTime.

"Hi Liv." Alison says as she sits down on the couch tiredly after the long day. She felt sleepy and out of energy but she loved every second of it, specially because she was with the brunette.

"Hello stranger. So this is how it's gonna be huh? You're just going to forget about your bestfriend?" Liv asks pretending to be hurt.
Alison chuckled,

"I'm sorry, I know I should've called earlier but, a lot as been going on... But hey remember when I said I needed to find a job? I already did." Ali explained excitedly to her friend.
"Oh that's great Ali. What are you gonna do?"

"Emily's friend Melina offered me a job as her COO and help her with the business." As Ali kept giving her friend the updates, Emily was in the bathroom taking a shower. She couldn't stop smiling at how happy she was. She missed feeling like that and she definitely couldn't be happier.

After she took the shower, she dried herself and put some comfortable clothes and went back to the living room.

"Was that Emily?" Liv whispered even though the brunette could hear it because they were FaceTiming.
"Yeah, you wanna say hi?" Ali chuckled and stood up from the couch walking up to Emily who was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Hey Emily." The brunette said through the phone waving.
"Hi Liv, how you doing?" Alison passed Emily the phone and motioned to the bathroom, Emily nodded and than it was just her and Ali's friend.

"Good. So...I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure." Emily had no clue what it could be, but she imagined it had something to do with Ali.

"How's Alison doing? I mean she said she was great but we both know that sometimes she prefers to hide stuff from others." Olivia said and Emily nodded knowingly.

"Yeah I know. But from what I've seen, she's great. We actually had an amazing day and she seems happy." A smily came to both brunettes.

To Emily because of obvious reasons, and for Liv because she could see how much Emily seemed happy too about being back with Alison.

"I'm glad. It's just with the fight she had with her dad, I don't know, I guess I just wanted to make sure. I think you're doing a great job at keeping her happy. And for your safety I hope it stays that way." Liv said seriously, pointing a finger at Emily.

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