45. Back to normal

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Okay in this chapter you'll have some of pictures so you can imagine this better. I need you guys to also imagine that this could actually be possible and they could actually afford this vacation. I know it would probably be difficult but I had to give our babies the best of the best. Enjoy❣️

3 months later


After Alison's conversation with Ethan, the cops managed to find her dad and catch the man, whose name apparently was Kyle. Ali and her dad were fine now, he had apologized and Ali told him, he was fogiven. Not to mention that, because of the kiddnapping, Emily and Kenneth were closer than ever and when he said goodbye to her, before going back to Rosewood, he told her,
"All my life I searched for a man who'd treat my daughter like a princess. But now I understand that, she has a woman that treats her like a queen. And I'm very thankfull for that."

Alison told Emily, that she had been to the station, which didn't please the brunnette very much, but she eventually accepted it. The day after that, the other girls arrrived and immediatly went to the hospital. After everything had been told and explained, the girls just started to enjoy the fact they were all togheter again.

Hanna ended up mentioning the party that Melina had tried to plan, which led Aria to slap the blonde on the arm, and all of them just decided to do it another time, since the surprise had just been ruined and Emily still wasn't in conditions to party anyways.

Emily's job was a problem they had to solve. Emily had called the principal and told him everthing that happend and why she didn't go to work for 4 days. He understood it wasn't her fault, but Emily wouldn't be able to go to work for the next month because of her injury. The doctor ment it, when she said that Emily needed to rest as much as possible.
The director of the school said he'd find a way and told Emily to get well soon.

So, a week after Emily had been in the hospital, she was finally told she could go home. Alison started to work again after that, and the other girls also had to go back to their homes. Emily felt sad, because she wanted to go to work and train her team again, but she knew she couldn't risk it. Also cause Alison made sure that didn't happen.
Emily had to admit, that having Ali as her personal nurse was a big turn on, which led to various situations where they'd end up in bed, breathing havily. Neither of them complained, obviously.

But now, everthing was better, the recovering was done and Emily was back to work. She apologized to everyone, even though they completly understood and welcomed her back with open arms.

Now it was christmas holidays, and everyone decided to spend it togheter. Spencer offered to find a place for them to go. After a week of searching and planning, the youngest Hastings found it and everyone was exited.
The Hastings had been in Oslo, Finland and Spencer found it beautifull, and since the others had never been there, they all agreed.

The plan was to spend a week there togheter. Later they'd eventually think about what they'd do for New Year. The couples were all there and they also invited Melina, who happily appreciated but had to say no. Her family was making a huge family meeting and since she hadn't been with them in a while she decided to go.
Everyone understood and wished her a merry Christmas.
Of course everyone's family was a little sad to not see the girls this Christmas but they undertood.

As soon as they arrived, they were completely amazed by the house, the living room and the kitchen were absolutely gorgeous.

As soon as they arrived, they were completely amazed by the house, the living room and the kitchen were absolutely gorgeous

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