11. Take the call

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Both girls were sitting on the couch next to eachother. Emily wondered if this would be the moment Alison would tell her to leave and go back to California. She didn't know what she'd do if it did happen.
She came to Miami only with the idea of being back with her love. But now sitting there with absolutely no clue what Alison would tell her, made her imagine the worse.

"What will I do?" She thought.

She didn't even wanted to think about the pain she'd feel. Not just because of the fact that it would mean that Alison rejected her and doens't want to be with her but also the fact that if Alison did tell her to go that'd mean that the possibility Emily belived in was gone. She'd really lose Alison.

Was she ready for that? Was she ready to finally have to live a life without Alison and this time without the hope that they still had a chance?

The words that would come out of Alison's mouth would either brake Emily or make her feel whole again.
On the other hand we had Alison struggling to get the words out of her mouth.

"How am I gonna say this?" She thought.

Would she put a final and specific end to her relationship with Emily?
Would she ask the brunette to just be friends?
Or would she give it another shot?
In the end Alison knew that she wouldn't be able to be just be friends with the love of her life. And she was afraid of what she might feel if she pushes Emily out of her life for good.

So would she give it another chance? Another chance to be with the only person who could do it.
The only person who could steal words from her tongue, heartbeats from her chest, colorful landscapes from her eyes.
The only person who could touch hidden places and fill the empty spaces.
The one that made her feel wanted, make her heart glow and make her feel complete. She was the other half of the story. The only one who could love Alison the way Emily did.

"Em..." Alison finally said, she looked at Emily who was staring at her waiting for Ali to say something, anything. She took the brunette's hands gently in her own.
Emily inhaled deeply scared of what could happen next but she couldn't help the butterflies she got by the touch she longed for.

"Yes Ali?" Alison could understand how nervous Emily was. She was nervous herself but she had to do this.
She took a breath and closed her eyes. She opened them again to be meet by two chocolate brown eyes and then she started,

"You know... I always thought that it would be difficult to find someone who would love me when I was scattered in a thousand pieces. It's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have all the right pieces. But then you showed me that every piece doens't have to be in place to create something beautiful. That true love can exist in the most imperfect lost and broken people."
Both girls had already tears in their eyes by now, it had always been overwhelming and emotional when it came to the fact that Emily was the only who made Alison a better woman because she didn't gave up and searched for her. She was who managed to change the blonde for better.

Emily missed these kind of words.
The ones that really came from the blonde's heart. And those words always managed to make her heart melt and make her fall deeper in love.
And Alison missed having someone to say these kind of words to. Even when she was with Ethan she never had these words to say. With Emily they just came out naturally but also only with her Alison had the courage to say them without feeling scared of being so vulnerable.

Alison had thought a lot about this. She wanted Emily back that was for sure. She was just afraid that they could get hurt again by something so stupid.
But was it really that stupid ? A distance relationship is never easy. People say that if you really love eachother then it will work. But those people have probably never been in a distance relationship so they have no clue about it. It's not easy at all to love someone that used to be with you everyday but now they're miles away and the only thing you have is phone calls and texts.

Alison still remembered the way Emily's eyes would light up when she smiled. And the way she would laugh and it would make Alison laugh too. God she missed those little things. Like holding hands, cuddling on the couch while watching their favorite tv shows. Or just laying next to eachother, even if they weren't talking, it would still feel good, feel right and perfect.

"When I look back at how we began..." she smiled warmly at Emily, flashbacks of their most beautiful moments togheter passed her mind,
"The laugher and the love we shared, I loved the way we dared to dream of a wonderful future together and how we promised that this-" Ali squeezed Emily's hand gently,
"-would be forever. And I try to recall the moment when things started to change. I kept asking myself how could two people who love eachother so much drift apart just like that. Our happiness slipping away and we couldn't stop it. I wasn't sure about what would happen. Just like I'm not sure about what's going to happen now." She brought one of her hands to Emily's face, caressing her cheek while her other kept holding the brunette's hand.
Emily closed her eyes feeling the warm touch that she hadn't felt in so long. Too long.

"But I'm sure about one thing..." now Emily looked into Ali's ocean blue eyes again.
"I'm sure that I still love you now as much as I did back then. And I don't know how but I believe we can get through this and make it work again and this time forever. I'm not ready to give up on us. You're still my mermaid and I will always love you Em." Emily was an emotional wreck right now. It was happening. Alison wanted to try again.
Emily couldn't help but to smile, she smiled ear to ear, like never before. She couldn't explain what she was feeling but she knew what she wanted to feel right now. So she grabbed Alison's face with her hands and pulled the girl into her, smashing their lips togheter.

That kiss... the kiss both girls missed for 5 years.
Their kisses were never just the softness of eachother's lips, or the taste of their sweet breath. It was always so much more than that.
Their kisses sent tingles running down their spines. A feeling rather divine.
Not to mention the fact that they missed eachother a lot so it made everything more special and emotional.
Their lips molded perfectly together like they always have and like many times in the past when they pulled away breathlessly, they lost eachother in their lovely gaze and laughed warmly togheter, their foreheads against eachother while they looked into eachother's eyes, taking it in.
After a few seconds they hugged tightly.

"I promise we will make this work. God I missed you so much."
"Me too Em. You have no idea how mu-" as the girls were speaking Emily's phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and saw it was her mother.
Her parents were still living in Texas. It was strange since she only called Emily in the afternoon when her father was back from his base so they could facetime. She felt the need to answer but another part of her didn't want anything to disturb this moment with her love.
Alison saw the hesitation and worry in Emily's face. She could see that Pam was calling,

"Em it's okay you can take the call."
And Emily did.
She brought the phone to her ear,
"Hey mom is everything alright?"
Alison focused on Emily's expressions trying to understand if everything was fine.

And that's when Alison thought of the worse. The moment Emily's face went pale like she'd seen a ghost. The brunette seemed scared and worry filled her hole body.

"Em what's wrong??" Alison was getting anxious.
The words that came out of Emily's mouth made Alison's heart ache.

"My dad got shot. It's bad."


Hey people so Emison is finally back 🙌🏼
I'm actually happy that I'm updating this chapter when Emison gets back togheter on the same day as Shay's bday (it wasn't planned tbh) ❤️
Not to be dramatic or anything but the amount of love and respect I have for that woman is unmeasurable and I wish her the best of the best 🤧❣️

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