44. Goodbye

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"When can I see her?" Alison asked already wanting to run to the brunette and see for herself that she was alright.

"She is still in the OR, I just came here because we've been there for a while and I wanted to let you know everything was fine. I'm going back now, but you'll be able to see her in about 30 minutes. I'll let you know when she's in her room." The doctor explained to the girls with a smile.

"We don't know how to thank you for this doctor. You literally saved our girl's life." Melina said with tears in her eyes, Alison was the same.

"You don't have to. It's my job. I have to go now."
The girls thanked her again and the doctor made her way to the OR.

Melina and Ali sitted on their seats again, this time they were relieved and happy.
"I swear that if she hadn't made it, I would've killed Ethan with my own hands." Melina let out in a whisper.
Ali chuckled,

Suddenly Alison grabbed her phone,
"I'm gonna call Detective Pierce and tell her that Em's fine. Maybe she has news about the case and my dad."
Mel nodded and Ali called.
"Hello?" The female voice was heard.

"Hi detective, it's Alison DiLaurentis."
"Oh sorry I didn't recognize the number. How's Emily?" She asked Ali who smiled and let out a breath.
"She will be okay. The doctor said it was a miracle."
"Well miracle or not, what matters is that she's fine. I'm very happy to hear that. But I suppose you aren't calling me just for that, are you?"
"Yeah, I wanted to know if there's anything about my father?" Alison asked. This night's still wasn't over.

"I've gave Ethan his first chance to make this better for himself and asked for his partner's name, but the only thing he gave us, was that stupid smirk."
Alison rolled her eyes, she knew it wouldn't be easy to get the words out of him.

"We located the car your father was in though, of course it didn't have anyone inside but they can't be far. We'll find him Alison, don't worry." The detective tried to reassure the blonde.

After a few seconds of silence, Alison had an idea.
"Detective, do you think it's possible if I go talk with Ethan?" As the words, left her mouth, the detective stopped moving. The same for Melina, who looked at Alison like the blonde was crazy.

"I know it's probably risky, maybe useless even, but there's a chance he'd speak to me." Alison wanted to see him again, not just to try to find something about her dad, but also cause she had so many things to tell him. The anger she had inside needed to come out.

"Uhm, I guess we could try. Let's make a deal than. We wait until tomorrow afternoon, I'm sure you all need to rest today. If we sitill don't have anything, I'll give you a call." The detective proposed and Alison agreed to it.

After she ended the call, Melina was still giving her a look.
"What?" The blonde asked.
"What? Really? Why the hell would you go talk to him Ali?" Melina asked.
"Cause, the cops can't find anything and maybe he'll talk to me. I sure as hell have some things to tell him too."
Melina shook her head,
"Emily won't agree with you going to see him."

The blonde looked at her friend,
"She doens't need to know."

"Ali..." Melina started, she knew this wouldn't go well.
"Come on Mel, it's not like I'll be alone there. It's a police station. I'll be fine. After I come back I'll tell Emily."

The brunette knew it was useless to try to change Ali's mind.

"Miss DiLaurentis?" The doctor was back,
"You can come now."
Kenneth's POV
I had absolutely no idea of what happend. Ethan and that gorilla were taking Emily and I to the car and I know I heard sirens. But all of a sudded the guy grabbed and pushed me inside the car.
Of course I couldn't see anything because of the hoodie on my head.
But, I know Ethan and Emily didn't come. And I'm really worried about her, I hope the cops catched Ethan and she's fine. I hope she's with my daughter now.

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