23. Hello again

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While Alison and Emily were in their little paradise, things were happening while they were gone, things they might bring consequences to the currently happy couple.

Melina's POV

"Hey Alison, how about you leave those papers and just go home?" I asked not really wanting an answer since I promised Emily I'd let Alison leave earlier so she could take her on that date.
To be honest I had never seen this part of Emily, but I definitely love it. She looks so happy and in love, after seeing her in all those bad days because of the alcohol and the bitches she'd bring home, I am really proud and happy for my bestfriend.
She deserves it, and from what I know Alison does too.

And who knew that the reason that caused Emily's world to crumble down would also be the reason for her to be so thrilled about life right now.

"You sure ? I can still finish some stuff before I leave." Ali assured, this girl is hardworking, she's not one of those who searches the slightest chance to be able to go home and lay on the couch all day. She likes to work and I needed someone like that in my office.

"Don't worry about that. Now go and spend some time with Emily." I said and winked at her.
She chuckled and thanked me, grabbing her purse and leaving the office.

A few moments later, I sitted down on my chair to do some work.
A knock on my door made me look up from my computer.

"Hey Mel there is someone who wants to talk to you." Ava told me, I frowned and didn't know who it could be since I didn't had any meetings planned for today.

I told her to let the person in and a few seconds later an actually attractive man came inside. He had blue eyes and short brown hair, he was tall and in a good shape, I wondered who he was but for some reason he wasn't totally a stranger for me. I had the impression I had seen him before I just couldn't remember where.

I stood up and walked towards him, he met me half way with a smile on his face which I returned shaking his hand.

"Hi uhm my assistant said you wanted to talk to me, is that right ?" I asked him.
"Yes it is, I wanted to talk to you about something important. You might not know me yet but I know a few things about you and your friend Emily Fields."
He explained, this is getting even more confusing.

He probably read my thoughts,
"Would you mind if we could sit down to discuss and I could explain to you?"

I agreed with him and we sitted down. He looked like a very serius man, someone who is used to do business, but right now I wasn't sure if it was business he wanted to talk about.

"So before we start let me introduce myself, my name is Ethan-"

Holy shit!

"Alison's ex fiancé." I said interrupting him, it wasn't on purpose it just came to my mind and if I didn't understand why he was here before I surely don't know why Ali's ex fiancé would want to speak with me.
I mean we haven't seen eachother before, I knew him from a picture Emily showed me the day she found out about the wedding. But that's it.

"Exactly. And you are one of Emily's bestfriend as I've heard."
I nodded a little suspicious, how did he know about me?

"I am, but I'm sorry, I don't understand why you would come talk to me." I said.
He leaned a little and crossed his hands above the table.

"You probably know that when Alison told me about her change of ideas about our wedding, I accepted it very well."

Too well maybe?

"But you see... The only thing I knew about Emily was what Alison told me. And of course you don't tell the bad things about the people you love."

What the hell?

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