Chapter 1

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I woke up to the blinding light from the sun peering threw my window. I sigh, today was the day. I would be leaving my home town in Markham Ontario to downtown Toronto. My mom said I could go explore the big city and stay there when I turned 18. Well, looks like the day has finally come.

I stretched over to close the curtain and got out of bed. I threw in a grey Toronto maple leafs sweat shirt and a pair of tight black leggings. I threw my hair in a bun and walked downstairs for breakfast.

When I came down I nearly tripped on movers boxes that were right by the stairs. Everything I would need for Toronto.

"Hey hon. Are you ready to go?! Your dad already started loading the car." My mom said, as I walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, I just need to text Kinsley and I'll be on my way." Mom nodded and went back to making her coffee.

Kinsley is my best friend. She has been since grade one when she first moved here. We are both obsessed with the Toronto maple leafs, like who wouldn't be?! Kin is a big fan of William nylander. He's pretty cute but Auston Mathews really caught my eye when I first saw him. My 11 year old brother teases me about it but what ever.

I texted kin that I'd be at her house in less than 10 minutes. She replied with an ok. I grabbed a cookie from the pantry and went outside to my car. Dad had most of my things in the trunk and back seats.

"Hey thanks dad." I said. "You know you kids are growing up to fast." He said closing the trunk of my car. " I know but I'll come visit before you know it." I gave him a kiss on his cheek and got into my car.

I drove to Kin's house. She was already outside with her GUCCI purse and luggage. Kin was always a fashionista in her own way. I got out and helped her put her stuff in my car.

When we got in the front seats she couldn't stop smiling. "So.. are you really excited for Toronto??" I asked calmly. "OMG you won't believe what Ethan got me!" Ethan is Kin's older brother. I think he's like 23 now. "What did he get you?" I asked. She rummaged threw her purse and pulled out two silver and blue pieces of paper. "We're going to a leaf game Allison!!!" "WHAT NO WAY!" I screamed. "Yes way! I don't even know how he got them!" She said. "Wow your brother is the best!" I yelled. We came to a stop at a red light. "So when's the game?" I asked way to excited. "Tomorrow!" Kin squealed. I hit the gas pedal when I light turned green again. "Omg really! This will be so much fun!" I said. "I know I can't wait!" Kin replied.

We talked about the game and jammed to our favourite pop songs that came on the radio, until we reached the apartment we are going to stay in. "Let's unload after we check in." Kin said with a smile. "I'm so glad we are finally living in Toronto together!" I smiled when she said that and pulled into a parking spot near a side walk.

"Come on let's go!" Kin squealed. She jumped up ahead. I locked my car and- "oof" I tripped. I tripped over a curb and landed on someone!! " hey I got you!" The person said. Then I realized that I was pressed against some dudes chest with his arms wrapped around me! Oh god no! " I'm so sorry I-" I looked up. And there he was.

630 words.
Not bad for my first Toronto maple leafs book. I hope you enjoyed this and stay toon for more chapters. Also don't forget to leave comments and vote!!!!

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