Chapter 22

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Happy belated birthday goes to Mitchy, jvr, and Marty!!!❤️❤️
Here's chapter 22 I had a bit of writers block for this one so hopefully it's as good as the rest😂

After we eat, we rush to the arena. We run to the ice rink and see the team practicing.

Babcock catches us looking at the boys and dismisses them to do a drill. Then he skates over to me and Kin. "What can I do for you lady's?" He says with a smile. "Can I talk to.." "let me guess, Auston?" He interrupts me. I nod. "Yeah I figured." He mumbles. "Hey Matthews! Your girl is here!" Auston looks at us and skates over. "I'll leave you two alone." Babcock says and orders the team to do something else. "I'll wait at the front entrance." Kin says and walks away.

"Something happened..." I whisper. Auston takes his helmet and gloves off and lays them on the ice. "What happened." He says. I tilt my head to the side and point at my neck. "Who...wait..what happened??" He says eyes wide. He caresses the small bite marks with his thumb and looks into my eyes. "Micheal." I wimper. "" Was all he could say. "Me and Kin went to breakfast and he was there." I say. "And he did this?!" I nod. "Well shit were playing Chicago tonight." Auston grumbles. "It's fine I'll stay with the girls." I say. He looks at me and bites his lip. "Promise me you'll be safe." "Always." He softly kisses the marks with his soft, tender lips. He trails kisses up to my jawline. "Hey stop making love over there! This is supposed to be hockey practice!!" Mitch yells. All the guys laugh but Auston doesn't care. "I gotta go." He says pulling away from me, although I know he doesn't want to. "I'll se you tonight." I nod, "yeah see you." He puts his helmet and gloves back on and skates towards the rest of the team without looking back.

I sigh and walk to the front of the arena and find Kinsley. "Hey what happened." She says softly. "Well I told him and apparently their playing Chicago tonight. We'll have to be careful and make sure no one gets hurt." I say blankly. Kin gives me a hug and we walk out.

We decide to go to the mall to kill time and get my mind off hockey for a bit. We walk around and eventually go into aritzia. We look around for a bit and decide to leave when... " Hey Allison? Kinsley?" We turn around. "Steph!" I give her a big hug. She laughs and hugs back. I move aside for her to hug Kin. "You guys going to the game tonight?!" She asks. "Yeah are you?" I say. She nods and stares at my neck. "Whoa you and Auston must of had one heck of a night!" She smirks. I blush and shake my head. "Do you know Michael Diaz?" I ask her. "I've heard Auston doesn't like him. Mitch tells me to stay away everytime they play Chicago." Steph shrugs. "Yup he did this to me." Me and Kin tell her the story. "What no way! He can't be doing that!" She says angrily. "I know but we've got to be careful tonight." "Yeah Syd will probably let us sit with her in the box seats." Stephanie says. "That's good we'll be safe there." Kin nods. "Yeah let's hope so." Steph sighs. "But anyways I'm gonna head home." "We'll see you at the game." I say. She nods and waves goodbye.

"Wow Mitch even told Steph to stay away." Kin says. "I know but we'll be safe if we stay all together and if Auston tells the team then I'm sure they'll have max security on us."

We walk to the next store and continue looking. After a few hours it's time to go get ready for the game. Kin and I head home and put our jerseys on. We walk to the arena cause we still don't have a DAMN CAR! Next time I see Michael, he's buying me a new one!!

We sit in the same box seats we sat in last time. Sydney and Steph are the only ones there so far. "Hey girls." It's just gonna be us today." Sydney says and stands up to give us each hugs. "Really wow." Kin says. "Yeah they were all busy but they'll travel with us in the playoff season." "Are you guys going to travel? Itll be really fun with you there!!" Syd says. "Yeah of course were coming!!" I laugh. "Good. Now I'm really excited." She smiles.

Me and Kin sit down in the comfy seats. We watch the boys practice shooting some pucks. "Let's hope nothing goes wrong this time." Steph says. I nod. "Don't jinks it."

New update might be a bit slow but I'll try my best.💖

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