Chapter 13

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When we get back to the arena, Auston and will are standing outside. They run over to us and take all our bags. "Wow this is a lot! Why didn't you guys call us?" Auston asks. "We didn't think you'd be done this early." I say. We walk to the cars we came in, put all the bags in the back, and drove to will's. we stay there until the it's game time😉

Skip to game.....
Since me and Kinsley still don't have a car, we take a limo with Auston and will downtown. It isn't long from will's to the ACC. When we step out we get caught by the paparazzi. News reporters swarmed everywhere, shoving microphones in our faces and asking dumb questions.

"Stay close to me and don't be tempted to answer anything." Auston said taking my hand, and will doing the same with Kin. The four of us scoot by the news reporters. "How did you and Auston meet?!" A lady asked. I ducked her mic and Auston pulled me along.

"Oh my gosh! Are you pregnant?!" You totally look it!!" Another lady said. My face turned bright red and the questions kept on coming. "Oh my gosh boy or girl?" "How long before the baby comes!!" "Your to young to be pregnant!" I couldn't take it anymore! These people don't freaking understand personal business! "IM NOT PREGNANT!" I scream. Auston squeezed my hand as if he was trying to tell me to ignore the press. But how am I supposed to ignore that?!

We get out of the swarm and go into the arena. Big mistake. Fans that were two hours early and more reporters ran after us. "Oh my god!" I say, almost on the bridge of tears. Auston pulls me through a bunch of security guards who stop the crowd from following us. I follow him to an empty change room. And we close the door. "Where's will and Kin?" I say. "They probably got stopped by the press." Auston says out of breath. We sit on the bench and he rubs my thigh. "You Okay?" He asks. I stare at the floor. Tears sting my eyes. "Am I really that fat." I say, and blink. Tears roll down my cheeks. Auston takes my face in his hands. "What do you mean? Your no where near fat babe!" I sigh, "everyone kept saying I was pregnant. Didn't you hear?" Auston wipes my tears with his thumbs. "The press will say anything they wanna say. They just wanna start stories." I should have never brought you in this mess." He kisses my nose. I open my mouth to protest what he just said, but the change room door flew open and will and Kin rushed in.

"Oh my gosh! It's a total mess out there!" Kinsley said. She came and sat beside me and will sat beside her. "You Okay Allison?" Kin asked. "You look like you've been crying." I snuggled into auston's shoulder and sigh. "Yeah I was upset but it's over now." I managed to smile. Will picked Kin up and put her on his lap. "Willy, I'm fine with sitting on a bench." Kinsley laughed. "Non sense." He said. I felt Auston move. "Two can play at that game!" He says and puts me on his lap to. I giggle and he slides over so the four of us are beside each other. I snuggle into Austin's chest and listen to his heart beat. He wraps his arms around my torso, holding me close. There's no place I'd rather be but here.

Suddenly the door opens again. "Okay boys game starts in....oh..." coach Babcock walls in, rather loudly. Auston loses his grip on me and I fall to the floor. I gasp as my face hits the cold rubber floor. "Allison!" Auston gets up and stands me up. Will and Kin stand up to. " this is my girlfriend...Allison." Auston scratches the back of his head. I wave back embarrassed. "Nice to meet you Allison." We shake hands. I guess he can see my face heating up cause he adds an apology... " sorry for walking in on the four of you but my boys know that they need to be on the right change room with the rest of the team by now." And with that, he walks away. "Okay see if you girls can find the other lady leafs and sit with them. We don't want any strangers coming after you." Will says. I stare at the flood again. I feel a hand on my shoulder.. " you'll be okay. I'll keep watch from the ice." Auston says. He gives me one last kiss before he starts going out the door. "Be safe and good luck." Kinsley says kissing will. They give one last wave and walk out the door.

I'm really proud of this chapter!! I've worked all morning for it and my eyes are gonna bleed😂. Get ready for the last leaf game before we head to the playoffs💙💙💙

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