Chapter 43

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Me and Auston wake up to a loud knock on the door. "Hey you guys! Dinners at 10 remember?" Sydney yells. I glance at the clock, 9:05 we still have time. "We know!" I yell back. Aus shifts, wrapping his strong arms tighter around me. He groans and slightly opens his eyes. Hottt. "Hey babe." I say, yawning. He smiles and kisses my cheek and then moves his hand around my butt and blushes, "Sorry...I forgot we're still um...naked." I giggle and place a hand on his chest, "Its fine." He kisses my lips and gets up. I smirk, "Nice ass hottie." He laughs and gets dressed. I also get out of bed.

I go to the dresser where my clothes are and Aus smacks my butt, "Your way to sexy." He smirks, "Like goddess..." I roll my eyes, "Shut up!" He grabs my waist and pulls me into his now clothed body. I moan, "Your gonna make me horny all night." He laughs and nibbles my neck. "Babyyy I need to get dressed." I smile. He pouts "Fineeeee." He lets me go and  I change into black leggings and a snug blue crop top. I throw on a white bomber jacket to go with it. And of course Auston does his thing where he stares me down and looks veryyyy sexyy doing it. I shift side to side and look down. He wraps his arms around my waist again, "What did I do to deserve someone like you babe." He mumbles against my hair. I shake my head, "Don't say that Aus...I'm the one who's lucky." He brings his face to mine and I press my forehead against his. "You are everything I always wanted." He whispers. A tear drips down my cheek, "You are way more than what I ever wanted... I love you so much..." He smiles, "I love you more sweetheart."

I smash my lips against his and he swirls his tongue around my lips demanding entrance, which I gladly allow. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. He presses me against the wall and caresses me everywhere. He runs his hands up my shirt and down to squeeze my butt. I moan into the kiss and feel his muscular chest. Then I hear whispering but I don't think Auston does cause he keeps kissing me. "Matt do you think their okay? They've been in there forever!" Sydney says, sounding worried. "I'm sure their fine." Matt whispers back. "I hope so..." Syd says. Auston pulls away from my lips and kisses my neck... "Mmmmm...." I moan and run my fingers threw his hair. I feel him smirk against my skin, "You like that?" He huffs. "Yesssss..." I sigh. Then I hear them whisper again... "Did you hear that babe? Their okay." Matt says. "Oh thank god." Syd sighs. "The worst Auston can do is leave a mark on Alli's neck." Matt laughs. Sydney giggles as well, "Maybe we should walk in on them for fun and tell them that we have to go soon." "Yea if you want to." Matt laughs.

Auston stops kissing me, takes my jacket off and lifts my shirt  over my head and feels me threw my bra. I also slide his shirt off and rest my head on his muscular shoulder. "Aus...I have to tell you something." I say. "You can tell me anything." He says, caressing my sides. "Matt and Sydney are planning to..." "Hey babes...How we doing?" Sydney says coming in the room, with Matt by her side. Auston's eyes go wide and he turns us around so they could only see his back. "Walk in on us.." I finish. "Oh I see." He says embarrassed. " need to be embarrassed guys...Its only us." Syd giggles. I rub Aus's back signalling that it was fine to let go of me now. He does and stands beside me taking my hand instead. Sydney gushes, "My two favourite love birds...!!!" We blush and Matt chuckles. I let go of Auston's hand and grab our shirts. I throw his to him and put my crop top back on with my jacket. "So when are we leaving?" I ask. "We can start heading over there now, it's almost 10." Syd smiles. I nod. We head out of the room and aboard the pick up truck. It's not to far of a far drive to the restaurant. We're there before we know it.

We hop out. Auston been the gentleman he is, takes my hand and helps me out. I kiss his cheek and thank him. We walk in and are greeted by a waiter at the front who seemed around our age. Sydeney smiles and does the talking, "Hi there. We have reservations." The guy smirks, "My my... what a lovely lady..." He says very cheesy. Syd's smile fades, "Uh..thanks I guess..." She says nervously. He guy winks at her and she looks away. Matt clears his throat and places a gentle hand on Syd's waist. She smiles and kisses him. The waiter sees and looks in disgust. Then he notices me and Auston standing behind them...well mostly me. "Why hello there and welcome." He says raising an eyebrow in my direction. I hear Auston grunt and see him stare the guy down. I put on a fake smile, "We're with them." Aus places an arm around my back and I lean into him. "Alrighty then...Right this way." The waiter says and takes us to the VIP area of the restaurant.

Babcock and the assistant coaches are already there with Stephanie and Mitch, and William and Kinsley. We all greet each other. Auston and I sit beside Matt and Syd and across from the other two couples. "Is it just me or is that waiter to desperate." Steph says pointing to the same waiter who welcomed us. Kinsley nods, "He greeted us when we walked in and I think all our guys got a bit defensive." I nod, "Yea it was kinda gross." We talk more about random things and how we've been doing. Soon enough everyone's here and we talk as a big group. I get to know all the players and girlfriends and wives who I never really talked to before.

Then the food arrives and Babcock taps a glass signalling he was gonna make a toast. Everyone shushes each other and turns their attention to him. "Hey everyone...I know this is our last gathering as a maple leaf I just wanted to wish you all the best. This has been such a great season for all of us and now we can finally relax and enjoy ourselves. I look forward to the next season to be even better than this one. Enjoy." We all clap and cheer as he takes a seat. We dig in and eat the delicious food. Auston places his hand on my lap and caresses my thigh, "You okay babe?" I smile, "I'm having the time of my life." He chuckles, "Good...I love you." I kiss his cheek, "I love you more. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me." he smiles, "And what makes you think that your not the best thing that's ever happened to me?" I smile and we kiss. Steph and kin "Ooooooooooo" Causing me to laugh. The waiters come around with champagne and we celebrate a wonderful season filled with both fun and tragic memories. I'm so happy to call these beautiful people my friends...and maybe next season we can win the Stanley Cup!!

Last chapter is always the hardest to write 😭 I almost cried a few times and that's what took a long time to get it published I'm so sorry for the wait! love you all so very much💜

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