Chapter 36

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Thank you guys so much for 5k btw💙 love you lots😘

We're still waiting in the waiting room. Charlie and his mom had to go so it's just me, syd, and Matt. "Hey Auston." Matt says. I look up and nod. "I told coach we won't be able to make it to tonight's game." "Thanks." I say kinda gratefully. I don't really feel like playing after all this has happened. A lady walks into the waiting room and calls my name. The three of us follow her to the front and she explains that we can go home and they'll keep us updated if anything happens. We thank her and make our way back to Sydney and Matt's place.

We arrive at their condo and eat dinner. "Auston, you can stay with us until they find her hon." Sydney says. I smile, "thank you guys, for everything." "You are always welcome here." Matt says. "And when they find Allison you guys can stay for a bit until you get back on your feet." "I can't say how greatful I am and how much I love you guys." I say. After dinner, we watch the game we couldn't make it to. We lose 5-1 to the Blackhawks. I pay close attention to see if Diaz ever got on the ice. He didn't. I hope my find my baby soon. Syd and Matt start making their way to there room and I go to the guest bed room. We say our good nights and pray tomorrow will be better.

The next morning I get up and go to the kitchen. Matt is already up drinking a coffee. "Morning." He says. I yawn, "morning Matt." "How ya feeling bud." He asks. I shrug, "scared." He frowns, "I know me to." Sydney comes into the room and gives m a hug. I hug back. We pull apart and she hugs Matt. "How are my boys doing." Matt smiles and kisses her, "Same as yesterday." She frowns, "guys they'll find her." I nod and so does Matt. "I'm gonna run to my place and change into some fresh clothes. I'll be back." I say. They give me a smile and I run back to my apartment. I change into a fresh pair of jogging pants and a sweatshirt. I call Matt and syd to come get me.

They arrive a couple minutes later and I hop in the the truck. "Auston!" Sydney practically screams. I wince, "yes." "We got a signal from alli's phone!" She yells. Matt laughs, "we're heading to the police station right now to see if they'll let us lead them to the area." My face lights up, "th-that's awesome!" Then I start to cry...tears of joy. Sydney giggles and keeps cheering until we get there. We run into the station and go straight to the lady who talked to us yesterday. "What can I do for you guys?" She says with a smile. "We got a signal from the phone of our friend." Syd says. The lady smiles and takes a look at syds phone. "I'll call the chief and you guys can take our patrol team to the spot." She walks over to the phone and makes the call. Me, Syd and Matt exchange smiles and funny faces. The lady comes back and tells us the patrol team should be back soon.

We wait a while in the waiting room. It feels like forever when the come. But right away they take us to their cars and we sit all together in the same cruiser as the chief. Matt in the front with Sydney's phone and me and Syd in the back. I'm so excited to see my baby again but also nervous...I just hope she's okay.

Allison's POV
"Come on princess, it's time for dinner." Micheal or 'master' as he wants me to call him, says. I roll my eyes and follow him, knowing that there will be consequences if I don't. He lets me go ahead of him. He smacks my bare butt the whole time. Yup that's clothes for me, since they ripped them up and literally threw them out the door. I'm also hand cuffed and wearing a black rubber choker necklace.

We reach the kitchen and Boris and levin are already there. I found out their names a few days ago. Their the guys who kidnapped me and Stephanie. I sit at my assigned seat beside Micheal of course and the kid appears sit in front of us. They smirk when they see me. Boris reaches a hand out and pinches my right nipple. Levin does the same with my left nipple. I grunt tell them to stop. "Now now, let the queen eat." Micheal says shooing their hands away. Dinner was mashed potatoes, chicken, corn, and roast beef. I was only allowed to have certain things because Micheal was afraid that I would get fat. The boys dug in and grabbed whatever they wanted. I couldn't do that because my hands were cuffed. Micheal looks at me, "why aren't you eating sweetheart?" I snarl, "because my hands are cuffed dumbass." "Well well, just be glad im even allowing you to eat tonight. He says and takes a spoonful of mashed potatoes and smear at on my face. I gasp, "Okay fine!" He smirks, "now that's a good girl." He uncuffs me and I take one of everything. He watches me closely and then grabs my chicken"Are you sure you want to eat this?" I nod and take another piece, but he grabs that one to. "I'm not gonna allow any of this bullshit." He takes away all the food he doesn't want me to have, which ends up being everything except the corn. I sigh and finish eating.

After dinner, michels brings me down to the basement of his house and ties me up. "Your so hot when your helpless." He smiles. I roll my eyes. He touches my womenhood and shoves all four of his fingers in me. I moan and fling my head back. He teases me until I cum and then he goes upstairs. It's not long before he comes down fully naked. "We're gonna have another fun night." He smiles. I shake my head, "no please no." "Oh yes." He snickers and spreads my legs out. He shoves his member in me and I groan in pain but he doesn't stop. He slams in and out of me fast. He grunt... "yes babbbbbyyy." I wince and pant. After a few minutes I cum again but he doesn't stop. "Ugh! I came you dumb fuck! Stoppp!!" He looks at me, "but I didn't sweetheart do your just gonna have to suffer a little longer." "Ughhh!!" I groan . I cum again and this time he does to. "That was great sweetheart." He pants. "I'm not your sweatheart." I gasp. He frowns, "you have no choice now." He smacks my now very swollen womenhood and heads upstairs. I sigh as tears fill my eyes. I lay against the cold floor. I want auston now. I want him to hold me in his strong arms and tell me everything's gonna he okay.

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