Chapter 37

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I wanna give saveyourhearttonight a huge shout out, not only because they gave me one, but because their book 'only him' I actually soooo good. Go check it out it's one of my favourites💗 alsooooo guyssss we almost made it to 6k!! Thank you everyone for all your support❤️

Austons POV
we finally arrive after hours in the middle of nowhere. Sydney's phone lead us in the middle of a forest where literally nothing is. We get out of the car and walk around looking for...well anything that's not a tree. "Hey look up there! There's a house!" An officer yells. Me, Matt, syd and the officers rush up to the house. We knock on the door and two men answer. "Hello?" One of them says. Hmmm....they look familiar. Where have I seen them before? And then it hits me. I walk up the guy and punch him hard in the head. He falls unconscious. Matt tackles the other guy and knocks him out cold. "Are you guys sure this is the house?" The chief says. I nod and explain what Happened before. He understands and walks ahead of us. We walk into the house and see Michel watching tv in the living room. The police arrest him and we search for Allison.

I hear crying. It sounds like it's coming from the basement. "Syd Matt." I say pointing to the basemen door. They nod and the three of us go down there. The I see her. Stripped of everything. I sigh of disbelief but also a bit of happiness. "Alison!" I yell and run up to her. She looks at me and her eyes light up. "Auston! You came!" I pull her into a hug, "of course I came baby." "Can you untie me please?" She asks and I undo the ropes and give her a passionate kiss. "I'm so sorry for what I said." I say. She nods, "I am to." I wipe the tears from her face. "Awwwe! You guys are so cute!" Syd says. But her and Matt were turned around. I get it though, their being polite cause Alison is uh... never mind. I yank my hoodie off and put it on her. She smiles, "okay you guys can come now." Sydney dashes over and hugs Ali. "I missed you so freaking much!" She screams. "Oh my god I missed you more!" Allison yells. Matt walks over and pats my back, "I'm glad we finally found you." He says to Alison. She laughs, "I am to." We all stand up accept for Alison. "What's wrong babe?" I say. She shakes her head, "I-it's a long story..." I nod and carry her bridal style up the stairs and Into the police car. She snuggles up to me and I lace our fingers together. Now it's time to head home.

The police drop us off at the station where we fill out paper work. The we head home in Matt's truck to his and Sydney's place, where we'll probably be staying for a while. "Please you guys, make yourselves at home. We're already family." Syd says as we walk into the condo. She lets me a Ali go first. I wrap my arm around her waist but she flinches away from me. " know I'm not gonna hurt you...right?" She nods and holds my hand at her waist. I lean her into me so she doesn't fall. We all take a seat on the couch in the living room. We watch the others leafs play their last game. They lost 2-4. It was pretty painful to watch but there's always next year.

Allison's POV
And just like that we're out of the play offs but whatever. Their star player was missing and so was their heavy hitter. Always next year. I need to tell Auston about micheal and what he did to me. He has to know whether he likes it or not. I lean my head on Aus's shoulder. He peeks at my cheek. "I love you guys so much." Sydney says out of the blue. We all look at her, "we love you to!" I giggle. She sighs, "you two are truly family to me and Matt. I hope you get married some day." Then she stands up, "don't know about all of you but I'm gonna head to bed." Matt gets up and follows her, "me to." I get up with austons help and he takes me to the guest bedroom. I sit on the bed and watch him take his shirt off. He comes to me and smiles, "I love you." I giggle, "I love you to." But then I frown and look away. "Babyyyyy, what's wrong??" He coos. "I-I have something to tell you..." I stutter. Auston nods and sits beside me. I sigh nervously and tell him everything, To how micheal shoved me into my car, to how he raped me. "Awe babe, come here." He says and pulls me into his lap. I sob into his chest and he rubs circles on my back.

"Ausy?" I say still in tears. "Yes love?" "C-can I show you something else that's been bothering me." "Of course baby." I shift off of him and lift up his hoodie that I was wearing. I spread my legs out and lift it up to my stomach. He gasps and looks at my womenhood, "your really red Ali this is bad.... may I?" He says, lifting his hand to touch me there. I nod. He presses his fingers to me and I wince in pain. He pulls away and sighs, "want me to get Sydney maybe she'll know what to do." I nod. He goes out of the room and I pull the hoodie back down. He comes back with a worried Sydney. Aus sits beside me and Sydney stands between my legs. "Allison are you okay hon?" I shake my head, "micheal did horrible things." She sighs, "can I see?" I nod and pull up the clothing once again. Syd shakes her head, "does it hurt? Like a lot?" I nod. Auston takes my hand and gives it a comforting squeeze. "Okay well I do have a cream that will take away the redness and hopefully you'll feel better in the morning." I nod, "Thank you." She goes out of the room and comes back with a bottles of special location. She opens it and hands it to Auston. "I'll let you put it on. You'll probably be more gentle than me." Aus nods and they switch places. Auston puts the cream on his fingers and and hovers his hand over me. He looks into my eyes and I nod. Wow this guys really need approval. He touches me ever so gently, only spreading it on my clit. Sydney shakes her head, "you need to put it everywhere." Aus nods and puts more on his fingers. When he's done, he gives he cream back to Sydney who takes it and goes back to her room.

I get into bed with Auston and cuddle up to him. "Thank you. I know how gross that was." I say. He looks at me weirdly, "that wasn't gross at all baby." Suddenly the lights flicker on and Syd walks in. "Sorry my loves, Ali I just wanted to give you these.l she tosses a black pair of panties that accidentally hit Auston. She laughs and closes the lights, going to her room again. Auston grabs the underwear and looks at it, "well...these  sure look sexy." I roll my eyes, "well yeah it's a thong dummy." I snatch it from him and quickly put it on under the covers. He chuckles and lays on his back. I sigh, "I missed your laugh." I snuggle into his side and he puts his hand over my womanhood. "Are you ok down here." He says rubbing my area. I sigh happily, "mhmm." He pulls my panties down a little and lays his hand on me. "Can I do this?" He asks with an innocent look on his face. "Yes please. I would love it if you did." He is so gentle and doesn't finger me. He only massages my folds which is actually quite nice. I'm so lucky to have a guy like him. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

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