Chapter 2

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I was speachless! Auston Mathews?! "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He asked, concerned. Omg he's concerned about me!!!! "Oh yeah im fine. Th-thank you." I said Cooley. "I'm Auston." He said. "Thanks for catching me Auston." I giggled. "Thanks for being quite a catch." He chuckled back. I blushed and smiled, that was so corny.

"I'm um a big leafs fan." I said breaking the silence. "Oh really?" He smirked. His hands still wrapped tightly around my waist. "Yeah actually me and my friend are coming to"- "Hey man! We gotta go what are you doing?!" One of the security guards yelled. "I-I" Auston was going to say something but the guard pulled him off me and lead him towards the ACC centre. I sigh and walked to the lobby of the apartment.

I opened the door and..."omg did you not think I didn't see that!" kinsley whisper yelled. "Finally your clumsiness payed off!" she squealed. I smiled," yeah I guess. let's get our room and then start unpacking." "Good idea." kin said, already walking over to the front desk.

A few hours later and we checked in, unpacked, and even went furniture shopping. I checked the clock 10:05 p.m. "Ugghh! I'm so tired." I yawned and collasped on the grey love-seat. I took out my phone and read thru some notifications i must have recived earlier. I looked up and saw kinsley doing the same. "Hey, we should get some food." I thought out loud. "it's 10:15 at night! are you really hungrey now?!" kin laughed. "yeah maybe some dessert or something." I suggested. "Fine if you must." kin said getting up.

we found a nice cake place near the C.N tower. we walked inside. It was pretty big! and dark... the only lights were small lanturns that were some how attached to the ceiling. The lady at the front stand took us to a table for two and we ordered. I got a lava fudge brownie and kinsley got a birthday cake suprise cucake.

we finished the food and waited for our bill. As we were waiting, I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to kin, but she was looking down at her phone. I looked around the restaurant and caught the gaze of the most perfect human being alive... Auston. As soon as he saw me looking back at him, he looked away and started talking to someone. Who is that I wondered. I looked closer and realized it was Mitch Marner, William Nylander and maybe...Fredrick Anderson? No that is deffinetly Matt Martin!! omg what are they doing here?!Maybe they- "Alison are you okay? whos over there?" kin asked. Her emerald green eyes filled with concern. I smirked. "Yeah yeah, definetly not the one and only toronto maple leafs players that are heading right towards us!" "WHAT?!"

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