Chapter 27

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Truth or dare went on for a while longer until an assistant coach came to tell us mike Babcock has an announcement for everyone.

Once we sat in our seats I realized Syd and Matt are across from us so we could talk to them if we wanted to. The others either sat father up or a bit back. Auston gestures for me to lean on him but I shake my head cause I don't wanna fall asleep again. "Ahem..." Babcock clears his throat, getting the attention of everyone on the jet. "Thank you all for  coming with us to Chicago. We will be landing in about an hour so don't go anywhere." Babcock finishes and takes his seat. Auston squeezes my hand "baby you can close your eyes for a bit." I nod.

"Matt!" I open my eyes confused and look at Syd and Matt. Matt was resting his hand on Sydney's lap and looked as if he was inching closer to where she didn't want him touching her. I shake my head now knowing I'm not the only one with a cocky boyfriend. " know you can't." I hear Syd whisper. Matt grunts. "But come on you can be quiet." "Why because you touched Allison and didn't get enough." Syd questions. I feel my face heat up and Barry my face in austons shoulder. I'm guessing Syd saw me move cause she looked over. I glance back to her. She smiles, "Sorry Alli I didn't mean to embarrass you." I smile to, "no it's fine. Auston does the same thing sometimes." Matt looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "Damn." He mumbles. Auston looks at us and gets in the conversation. "Hey I do not!" "Yes you do!" "Only sometimes." I roll my eyes.

Syd leans closer to me. "Look at Steph and Mitch." She whispers. I look a few seats ahead of us. Woah. They were in full blown make out sesh. "I wish Matt would still kiss me like that." "Come on let's go to the lounge and I'll kiss you like that." Matt says. "We can't get up stupid." Matt shrugs, "they wont notice." Sure enough they get up and leave.Now I'm stuck sitting here watching a couple goals moment right in front of me.

I feel like everyone on the jet was getting a lot of attention. I've heard a few accidental moans and everyone seams to be whispering. Syd and Matt aren't back yet either. I sigh loudly craving attention. Auston looks at me weirdly. He kisses my hand and goes back to looking out the window. That is not the attention I want. I lean on him and trace the muscular outline of his arm. "Babe, You Okay?" He finally asks. "Noooo." I whine. "What would you like?" "You." Auston laughs and looks out the window again. I roll my eyes. Auston looks at me again. "Don't think I didn't see that." I sigh and shift away from him, sitting curled up facing the asle.

I watch nasem kiss his wife all over her face and down her neck. Naze's wife was flawless. She was to beautiful to be true. She had a good height and perfect body. I look down at my own body. For some reason I feel so short. I look at my hair and twirl it around my finger. Eww, my hair was so ugly compared to hers. She had nice dark hair with highlights that flowed perfectly down her back. My hair was flat and slightly tangled. I run my fingers threw it a few times to make sure I didn't have any knots.

I look at some of the other lady leafs. A ton of them had gorgeous blond hair. All of them but nazems wife it seemed like. I look back behind me and Kin and will are perfectly tangled up in each other. They looked so in love. I glance at Auston then back at them. Why wasn't he all over me right now? Everyone was all wrapped up in each other. I felt so alone for a slight second. But bozaks wife was coming threw the asle politely saying excuse me as she passed every seat. She passed me. Her booty was at eye level. I couldn't help but look. I wasn't trying to be weird or anything but I did and oh my god. Her butt was better than mine. Way better!! And she has kids!! I'm definitely not trying to be jealous or anything but I couldn't help it right now.

I twisted a bit in my seat to look at my own rare. I realized my shirt was up just a bit. I tug it down but I couldn't help looking at my stomach. To me my stomach looked a bit bigger than usual. I suck in some air. Much better. But it's not long before I need to breath and let all the air out. I shake my head. I look at the back wall. There was a bunch of beer bottles attached to the shelves. I look lower. There were tons of snacks. Tons! There was Oreos, lays chips, gummies and sooo much more. I could feel my mouth water. I felt a light stroke on my leg. I turn around and see Auston smiling. "Want anything on that shelf? I can see you staring at it." YESSSSS craving Oreos right now! I look at my stomach and thighs and decide it's probably best not to... "naw I'm good" Auston frowns, "You sure?" I feel tears sting my eyes and the back of my throat starts to ache, but I nod and face the asle. If those tears escaped my eyes, at least he won't have to see them.

I try focusing hard not to cry because I don't want to be a baby and cry over myself but when bozaks wife passed me again I couldn't help but close my eyes and let a few tears slip threw. Maybe Auston didn't want to get dirty with me because he didn't like my body. More tears fell. Maybe hes just with me because he pitties me. Another tear. Every so slightly I cried into my hand, angling my gross body away from Auston.

Suddenly I fell a warm hand on my shoulder and the sound of syds voice. "Allison are you Okay?!" She says softly. I shake my head feeling more tears land on my pants and shirt. "Aw baby. Come with me." She says. I nod and stand up. She whispers something to Matt and he nods and sits beside Auston.

Syd takes me to the bathroom. I look at my self in the mirror which makes me feel even worse about myself. "'s okay Alli." Syd rubs my back soothingly. Eventually I sit on the sink counter, not looking at my self, and stop crying. "Wanna tell me what's wrong hun?" I shrug my shoulders. "I won't judge you or anything and you know that."She says softly. "I know." I say, my voice cracks a bit but I couldn't care less. She nods for me to start talking.

I tell her everything. She hugs me and tells me a story that related to "body image" "it's good to fell that I'm not alone." I smile. "Alli Your never alone." Syd says. "Don't ever think that." We go in to hug again but there was a knock at the door. Me and Syd look at each other confused. But then we heard austons voice. "Allison please talk to me.... I need you right now... I'm coming in if your not coming out." He says. I tear up a bit just thinking about him. "It's alright Alli. I'll be right behind you." Syd says. We go to the door and I open it. Auston was standing there with Matt behind him. "Baby..." he whispers, "what's happening?" I feel more tears fall on my face. "It's over now. Syd helped me figure it out." Auston nods and puts his hands on my waist. "I just want you to know I love you. No matter what." We kiss and hug. We eventually pull apart. "now can I please buy you something??" Auston points to the food shelf. I turn to Syd who nods her head. "If you really want to." I say. Syd and Matt head to their seats and me and Auston head to the counter. I chose a mini bag of Oreos and he chooses a bag of lays salt and vinegar. We get back to our seats. Auston opens the bag no problem and stuffs his face. I on the other hand read the package over and over again. Until I finally decide on screwing all the sugar and fat and just enjoying it.

I was about half way done my Oreos when Babcock announces, "alrightly leafs, grab your bags....we just landed in Chicago!!"

Word count: 1496!!
                                ☝️new record!
New chapter coming soooooon:)

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