Chapter 41

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This one gonna get a bit...kinky....I thought I'd try something new😉

I wake up in the guest bed of Sydney and
Matt's condo. I look to my right and see Auston fast asleep. I don't remember much of last night but I remember feeling really happy when we left the arena. I try to sit up in bed but my head starts pounding. "ughhh..." I moan in pain and quickly lye back down. I touch my temples and massage them lightly. Auston shifts to face my direction. He stretches slowly and looks at me. "Hey Allison...Are you alright?" He says in his morning voice. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks, "No my head is killing really bad." Now he looks worried. I sob out loud and lean on his naked chest. He touches my forehead with his cold hand. "Can you keep your hand there? It feels nice." I say threw sobs. "Yes of course babe...your having a hang over now because of how much alcohol you had yesterday." That makes me cry even more. What the hell was I thinking?! Suddenly the door opens and Sydney and Matt walk in. "We heard sobbing and figured you were having a hang over..." Syd says. "Yeah I think so..." I cry. "Auston why don't you bring Alli to the living room and we can give her some meds?" Syd says. Aus nods. "Wait no! I don't wanna move..." I say, pressing against Auston more. "Don't worry I'll be gentle ." He coos. "But If I get up it'll hurt more." I Whine. "But you'll feel better quicker..." He explains. I sigh, "Okay fine..." Aus gets out of bed first and then lifts me up. "UGGHHhhhhhh..." I moan the whole time until he lays me on the couch. "Thank you..." I say, tears still streaming down my face. He hovers over me and wipes my tears away. I look at myself and realize I'm wearing booty shorts and the same bra I wore yesterday. "What happened to my jeans..." I ask him. He shrugs, "I thought you'd be more comfortable in shorts than jeans." I bring his face to mine and kiss him, "Thank you Ausy....I love you.." I sob. He smiles, "It was really no problem baby...And I love you more." I smile threw my tears, "No I love you more..."

I feel a wave of sickness come over me and I shove Auston away and run to the bathroom. I puke in the toilet and sob more when I'm done. He comes in the bathroom when I flush the toilet. He has a hair tie with him and comes up behind me and ties my hair. "Sydney said to tie your hair back so you feel more...refreshed." I nod, "Thank you babe. What would I do without you?" He smiles and takes me into his lap. We sit on the bathroom floor cuddling, in front of the toilet.

A few minutes later, Sydney and Matt come into the bathroom looking relieved. "I got scared something happened because you two didn't come back." Syd says, now laughing. Auston and I laugh. "We're sorry..." I say, about to stand but remembering my head. I wince and Aus places a nice cold hand on my forehead. "Syd found some advil for your headache." Matt smiles. I nod, "Thank you.." I feel strong arms lift me into the air. "Mmmmuhhh...", I squeeze my eyes shut until Auston puts me on the couch again. "I'm never getting drunk again!" I sob. Aus chuckles, "It's okay babe." He smooths my hair and makes me look less like a mess. Syd comes over with the advil and a glass of water. "You gotta sit up to take it...I don't want you to choke." She says. I'm a crying mess by the time I swallow all three pills. "Thank you guys though I'm sorry I got so drunk and now you have to baby me." I say wiping the tears off my face. Syd comes up to me and massages my head, "It's no big deal sweetheart." I close my eyes and nod. "Can I make you some soup now?" She says asks standing up. I open my eyes, "Yes please." She goes to the kitchen and brings back a hand full of cans. "We have tomato, chicken, veggie...." "I think chicken would be good....thank you syd." She smiles and nods and goes back to the kitchen.

Auston comes up to me and smiles, "Hey baby girl." I smile and sniffle, "Hey.." He crouches beside me. "I wanna make you feel better but I don't know how." I giggle, " could lye down here with me and we can cuddle..." His eyes light up, "Okay!" Somehow he manages to lye on the couch and spoon me. "Mmmmm...I like this." He says. I smile, "I do to." I take his arm that was wrapped around my waist and put it on my butt. He gets the hint and rubs circles on me. Then he travels to my bra and squeezes my breasts. I'm in pure pleasure now. He brings his hand to my crotch area and gently feels around. "Wow..." I whisper. "Sorry I didn't quite get that he says in a husky voice." "Aussss...." I moan quietly. "May I?" He smirks, sliding his hand in my shorts. "Yesss..." I grunt. He rubs my clit and explores me folds. "Ughhhhh..." I moan sorta of loudly. He put a finger in me and rubs my clit with his thumb. "Oooooo..." I moan, forgetting to be quiet.  "Umm...what are you guys doing over there?" Sydney giggles. Matt nods, "You know we can see you right?" Sydney comes over and Auston takes his hand out of my pants. "No no...I was just gonna um...give you some pointers." Syd laughs. Auston nods, "Okay." He puts his hand back where it was. "You see Matt always does this and it drives me crazy...I thought I would show you one day..." she gestures with her hands and explains, "So you have to pretty much take everything in your hand and squeeze... there's really no better way of explaining it." Aus nods and pulls my shorts down so Sydney can see if he's doing it right. He puts his hand on me and massages my folds and then takes them all and squeezes. "Mmmmmuhhhh!" I moan and shift. Sydney giggles, "yea pretty much that." I nod, "Just fuck me now..." Aus chuckles and Sydney lets out a laugh. Then she goes back to the kitchen and makes the soup. "You really like that eh?" He smiles, toying with me a bit. "Yess if they have any other advice take it cause their like the sex gods." Auston laughs, "Alrighty then." He pulls my shorts up. And wraps his arms around me, "That's enough playing around for today." I grunt, "Aww why." "Because your sick and I don't want the urging feeling of having sex."

"Soups ready!" Sydney calls. Me and Auston get up and go to the table. "This smells so good." I say. We sit down and eat. Auston sneaks his hand to my thigh and traces circles. "You got anymore tips Sydney." Auston chuckles. "For what." She asks. He motions to me and she nods. "Oh yea sorry! Haha...I have tons." We all laugh. When we're done eating, we all chill. Me and Auston lay on one couch and Matt and Sydney the other. I'm feeling way better than before from the help of my family and their love.

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