Chapter 6

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Just wanted to let you guys know that I made a mistake in the last chapter. I said the party was at mitches place but it's at the arena!!!! I changed it now, just wanted to let you know enjoy😊 and yes I was at the game on Thursday in Buffalo it was amazing the arena was full of leafs fans loll😂😂

After the game everyone went straight to the basement of the arena. Of course me and Kinsley just followed the girls down. When we got there the players were already out of their hockey gear and dressed in something casual.

I looked at all the girls and realized we were not dressed as good as the guys, but no one seamed to care or even notice. We all wore a jersey and jeans or leggings.

I searched the room for Auston. "Hey there's will! I'll catch you later!" Kin whispered. "Okay." I said but she didn't hear me. I watched her laugh at something he said. I sigh but kept walking. The basement was pretty big, and was decorated nicely. Blue and white balloons and streamers. A long table with drinks and desserts and a DJ table. Apparently the DJ was coming later on,according to the girls. I walked over and saw a window ledge filled with pictures of the team. I picked one off the ledge. It was a picture of will,Auston,and Mitch hugging after a game winning goal. I smile to myself.

"Liking the party?" I heard a certain sexy voice say. I turn to see Auston standing before me. "Yeah it's not to shabby." I smirk. Auston chuckled. Oh damn this boy I'm getting chills!! He took the photo from my hands and set it with the rest of them. Suddenly the lights dimed to almost complete darkness. "Who's ready to spice things up a little?!" A guy at the DJ booth yelled. About time the DJ Arrived. Auston grabbed my hand and pulled me to the centre of the dance floor. There were some pretty sick beats. We danced until the music stopped.

"We have a request here from...juicy spoon?" The DJ said confused. "That's me!!!" A voice that sounded like Mitch yelled. Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed. Classic Mitch. "It's a slow song so get with your partners." The DJ announced. Auston smiled at me and took my hand. He placed it on his shoulder and did the same with my other hand. Then he hugged my waist and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. The song lights down low played loudly. I looked up from Austin's shoulder from time to time. Everyone else had made a circle around us, and danced in the same position we were in.

I saw will kissing Kinsleys ear and down her jaw line. She looked like she was enjoying it to. I looked back at Austons face and he did the same. We leaned in at the same time and closed our eyes. Our lips met. He kissed passionately but gently. I could feel everyone staring at us but I couldn't care less. They all screamed. "Woohoo! It's about time!!" Someone shouted. We made out for a few more seconds and broke apart for air. We were both very red. That was the best thing I'd ever done and best feeling I ever got.

Auston connected our foreheads together. The song had ended and the room went silent. All eyes were on us. "I love you." Auston smiled. "Yeah I think I love you to..." I say. Trailing off. We could hear everyone go crazy and Me and Auston went for a second kiss.

The music was pretty up beat for the rest of the night. The DJ stopped his beats at around 2:00 in the morning. Everyone went home except me, auston, Kin, and will. We slept on the couches that were in the basement.

The next morning will and Auston invited us to skate with them at their next practice that was in a few hours. Of course Me and Kin agreed but we would have to go home and refresh first.

Word count: 702

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