Chapter 23

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OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!

I'd never thought I'd come this far!!! I really do love every single one of you. And I know some authors just say that but I really mean it!!! I don't write for followers or votes (as you can see I have none lmaooo😂) I write for all you guys who are interested. Keep being into hockey and don't let anyone shut you down!! Now enough rambling from me and on with da story........

It's down to second period and neither teams scored yet. Me and the girls watch nervously, eager for Toronto to win. None of us had gotten up from our seats since we got here cause all of our boyfriends told us not to.

Although I was getting really hungry. I haven't ate since breakfast. "Guys I'm going to get a hot dog or something. I'm starving!" I say getting up. "I'm not sure that's a good idea alli." Steph says. Alli? Must be my new nickname. Syd nods, "remember what happened last time?" "But I'm gonna die if I don't eat something soon." I wine. "Yeah Im hungry to." Kin says. "We'll go together." I say. Syd stares at us worriedly, but finally agrees. "Alright fine! Go but be careful." Me and Kin nod and make our way to the food venues.

"What are you feeling? Hot dog, burrito or hamburger?" I ask Kinsley. "Idk what are you getting?" I'll go with a hot dog, there's less of a line up." I say. "I'll have one to." We go up to the venue and get two hot dogs. We put our toppings on and try to rush back to the arena.

"Oof!" I say as I feel myself crash into someone. "I'm so sorry." I say and try to scoot by him. "No worries...wait ive seen you before...." he says in a familiar voice. I look up at the dude and gasp. I bumped guessed it tweetle dumb and tweetle dumber!!

"Whoa. Same girls from the other night I see." The guy who kidnaped me says. "Ugh! Please just leave us alone!" I say, trying to be calm but inside I'm a nervous wreck! These guys are twice our size! And I don't even want to get started on what they did to me. "Hmmm still hot are we?" He smirks. "Run!" I whisper yell. Me and Kin run frantically to the box where Syd and Steph are. We almost make it but I trip and drop me food everywhere. "No! Leave me! Run!" I yell at Kinsley. But she doesn't. She drops her tray and helps me up. We didn't get far before they grab us. The two guys laugh and carry us by our jerseys. "Stephanie!" I yell. "Sydney!" Kin screams. Syd opens the balcony door and calls Steph. We see them whisper something to each other and they dash for the ice.

"Come on let's go!" One of the kidnappers says to the other. They take us to the dressing rooms again. They throw us in and lock the door. "Are you guys really that desperate?!" I ask. "What'd ya mean?" The guy who grabbed me says. "Well if you had a girlfriend maybe you won't be kidnaping other girls." They shrug . "We don't care about the girls. We care about giving master Diaz what he wants." Diaz? Omg! Micheal Diaz!! I gasp. "What girly?" "Oh it's nothing." I stammer. I can believe I gasped out loud. Now for sure they think somethings up. "Tell us or we have to hurt you." One of them stood up and grabbed my hair in his fist and pulled hard. I wimper and close my eyes tightly. "Tell us now!" He pulls even harder. I open my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by a knock at the door. My heart froze.

"Ugh!" The guy pulling my hair says. He let's go of me and walks up to the door. "What do you want?" He yells. Then in seconds, he lying on the floor unconscious. Yes!! Freedom! The other kidnaper goes to the door to see who was there and boom! He was knocked dead to. The door opens to reveal two boys in blue, Steph and Syd right behind them. "Auston!" I say jumping on him. "Oh my gosh will!" Kin says and he leans in for a rough kiss. "Did they hurt you?!" Auston whispers. "All they did was pull my hair." I shrug. "Oh baby I told you to be careful!" Auston says. He hugs me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He gently grabs my face and presses his lips against mine. "Ooooooo!!!" All the girls giggle. Auston puts me down and I smile. "Wait, What are you two even doing here?! Shouldn't you be on the ice?" I say. Auston shrugs. "Well when Sydney and Stephanie told us you girls were in trouble coach called a time out and we came here." I smile and turn to Syd and Steph. "Thank you." "It was no problem really." Syd giggles. We all turn to head back to the arena but instead we stare at the two men lying on the floor. "Turns out they work for micheal." I whisper. "Yeah no surprise there." Auston rolls his eyes. "Let's just call security and leave them there." Will says. We agree and walk with Auston and will to the bench. Me and Kin kiss our boyfriends goodbye for the night and head back to the box with Syd and Steph.

The rest of the game went pretty smoothly. We won 3-2 in overtime against Chicago and it's time to get home and figure out what we're doing for the playoffs tomorrow.

New chapter up soon!

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