Chapter 42

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I know how much you guys like smut so I tried to put some at the end enjoy my loves💜😘

The next morning I feel much better. My headache went away and I'm ready to get stuff done. We all got up and made a big breakfast because we didn't eat much yesterday. "Hey Matt?" Syd says poking at her eggs, "Did I tell you that we got a phone call from the police saying that we left something at the station?" Matt looks confused and shakes his head, "What did you forget?" She sighs, "That's just it. I don't know." He shrugs well "you better get that checked out before tonight, we're all going to a special dinner with everyone after." She nods. "I'll come." I say. "Thank you." Syd smiles.

We clean up and me and Sydney get ready to leave for the station. Before we leave, Auston hugs me, "I'll miss you baby." I giggle, "We'll only be gone for maybe an hour." He nods, "But still." I give him a peck on the lips and we say goodbye. Matt gives us the keys, "Be careful." We nod and head to the truck. Sydney drives us to the station and we sit in the waiting room. "This is gonna be interesting." I say. she nods, "Yea I'm really confused."

After a few more minutes of waiting, the same lady we signed paperwork with from...the incident... calls us over. "Hey ladies. How are we doin?" She says cheerfully. Sydney smiles, "We're good. We just got a call from you guys saying we have to pick something up." The lady nods, "Oh yes. Right this way!" We follow her to the parking garage. The whole way we and Syd give each other confused looks. "Here." She says opening one of the garages. My eyes go wide, "My car!" I squeal. I run up to it and try to wipe a few new scrapes away. "How did you get it back?" I ask over joyed. "Well, after we caught those guys, Auston let us know that they may be the ones who stole your car so sure enough we searched it and figured out it was yours." I giggle, "Auston did this?" She nods. I run to Sydney and she hugs me, "I'm so happy for you!" She yells. "Thank you!" I scream. After our little party, I finally get in my car and start it. "Hey there's still some gas left. I could probably drive it home." Syd smiles, "Yeah for sure! I'll meet you there then."

I drive to Syd's condo...It feels so good to drive again! Kinsley is gonna flip when she finds out I got my car back! I park beside Sydney and we head up to her room. She unlocks the door and I run to Auston. I jump on him and wrap my legs around his torso. He smiles an grabs my butt. "Babe...I got my car back!" I scream. "Really? No way!" He yells. "Yea! Thank you so much." I start to yell but then cry, "I love you so so much." He puts me down and smiles, "Awe babe...don't cry." I sob into his chest and he kisses my head. "Th-thank you...what did I do to deserve you?" I cry. He chuckles, "Shh, don't say mean the world to me." "I love you so damn much don't even know..." I whisper, suddenly feeling very lustful.

I smash my lips against his and immediately grab the hem of his shirt ready to tug it off his hot body. He breaks the kiss and lets me. Then he grabs my face and puts kiss lips on mine again. "umm...before you guys get to anything serious..maybe you'd like a little more privacy..." Sydney giggles. Me and Aus separate...honesty I forgot Syd and Matt were here. I blush and nod, "Yeah...maybe." Auston takes my hand and leads me to our room. He closes the door while I sit on the bed. "Well that was kinda embarassing..." I say. Aus smiles, "Your so fricken cute when your horney." I blush even more, "Thanks...?" He shrugs, "It wasn't that bad and besides we've got nothing to hide especially from them." I nod, "true." He gives me his sexy look, "Wanna continue where we left off?" I Smirk, "Gladly."

He throws his already taken off shirt onto the ground and takes his pants off so he's left in his boxers. I blush and try not to look He sees and smirks, "your turn babe." Teasing him, I shake my head, "Nope." He pouts, "Pretty please...I want you and you know you want me." I try to hide my smile at how adorable he's being. "Can I do this?" He asks and rubs my thighs. "Mmmm...Yes please do.." He smirks and rips my pants off and throws them to the side. "Auston!" I shriek in shock. "Yes babe?" He says innocently. "Oh you wanna go? Come at me." I say a bit frustrated by what he did. He smirks, "Are you sure you wanna do that...little girl." I grind my teeth, "Yea! Bring it on fucker!" He laughs and gets on top of me. "Ugh! Stopppp...." I groan. "You asked for it!" He says. He manages to take my shirt off to and throws it away. "Auston!!" I laugh. He kisses my neck and gets off of me. I sit up on the bed, now in my underwear. Aus smiles, "ya know....when you were drunk you got mad at me cause I wouldn't let you have sex with me." I giggle, "I did?" He nods, "Yea and you complained to Sydney." I shake my head, "I'm never getting drunk again." Aus shrugs, "Can't promise that." He rubs my sides and moves over to my back. I let out light moans. "Hey can you take this stupid thing off?" I pointing to my bra. He smiles, "Yea for sure." He unclips it and throws it in our pile of clothes. "That feels so much better. But I'm kinda cold...How are you not cold?" I say. He shrugs, "dunno...but I can warm you up..." I smirk, "Oh can you?" "Mmhm If you allow me." I groan, " Auston I always allow you. You don't have to ask...your my boyfriend." He puts his hands on my boobs, "Just making sure babe." I feel my eyelids getting heavy. He moves his hand over my eyes, "Shhh....relax. I'm here to make you feel good baby." I smile, "mmmm..." I lay down on the bed and spread my legs out so he can stand in between them. He licks and caresses me even pinches my nipples. I moan lightly and run my hand threw his hair.

After sometime of this I'm getting kinda bored and wanna spice it up a little. I take Austons head off me and he smiles, "Feel good?" I smile to, " So good....but I want more..." He smirks, "What kind of more?" I groan and put my hands on the helm of my panties. "Ok ok...but I wanna do it." He pouts. I roll my eyes and let him slowly slip them off. He puts his whole hand on me and massages in a circle. "Mmmm..." I moan. He picks up the pace and runs threw my folds. Then he takes my clit with his thumb and plays with it. "Ughhhh!!" I grunt and arch my back. He puts a finger in me and slowly pumps in and out. I sigh, "oooooo..." He puts a third in me and goes slow, letting me get used to it. I start breathing heavily and letting out loud grunts here and there. I cup his face with my hands and bring him down to my area. He kisses my inner thighs and I run my fingers threw his hair. He kisses my womenhood gently and adds a fourth finger. At this point I can't control anything. I'm a moaning mess. I think Aus even tried to see if I was okay by coming up to kiss my face. "You good babe?" He smirks. "Mmmmmaaahhhhh...!" I moan. He nods and goes back down to licking me.

After a while I can't take it anymore and cum all over his hand and face. I sigh and stay still, not really capable of doing anything else. I watch him lick his lips and hands clean. Hot. Then he sees the mess all on the bed and on me. "I'll be back baby..." "mmmhhmmm." I sigh. He comes back with a towel and cleans the mess on the bed. He puts the dirty towel aside and licks my area clean. "There, all cleaned up." He chuckles. I nod tiredly. He lays beside me in bed. "You alright baby?" He asks. "Yea I'm good..." I pant. "Was I good?" He says. I smile, "Your a god babe..." He chuckles and gets up. He gets my booty shorts and sports bra and dresses me. We lay under the covers in bed together. "I love you a lot you know and I'm not just saying that because you pleasure me." I say lying on his bare chest. He kisses my forehead, "I know baby...I love you more than you know to." He lays his hand on my butt and I cuddle up to him.

We hear footsteps outside, "You guys know it's only 6:30 right?" Sydney giggles. "Yeah we know." Aus says. "And you know we were here the whole time right?!" Matt calls. Me and Aus blush. "Really you guys?!" I yell but I sound really tired. "Wow you really had a work out sound so tired Alli." Syd jokes. "Shut up!" I laugh. "Alright goodnight sex birds!" She says one last time before walking away to have her own little fun night with Matt.  And trust me we heard the whole thing to.

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