Chapter 29

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                             you can tell I've taken a break from Wattpad for a bit I'm really sorry about that. But I thank you all for sticking with me and hopefully I'll soon be back on track.

"Allison! Allison! Wake up!" My eyes shoot open. "What's the problem Sydney?!" I gasp. She giggles. "Your the problem sleepy head." "What?" "We were supposed to be at practise with everyone else." "Oh" "OHHHHH" shoot shoot shoot! Coach will be maddddd!!!! I go to my luggage, still half asleep, and pull out a clean pair of black leggings. I try to unzip the shirt section in my luggage but it's jammed! I change into my pants and take off my shirt, clasping on my bra. Shit but I don't have a shirt! What is wrong with me?! Where do I get a shirt? Auston! Auston has shirts! "I'll be back Sydney!" I yell. I use the room key aus gave me for his room. I rush in and dig for a shirt in his luggage. Yes! Found one! I tug it on and rush back to my room. "I got a shirt!" I yell to Syd. "That's great hon ." She laughs. I run into the bathroom, almost tripping on the door, and do my routine. The splash of cold water on my face really wakes me up.

I walk out of the bathroom and tie the way to big shirt into a small knot at the side. "Hot mama!" Syd says, watching me. I laugh, "Thanks. Ready to go?" She nods. " is a bit cold outside." She smirks, "and you've just inspired me." She goes into the boys room and I follow. She takes Matt's leafs stadium jacket and puts it on. I take austons and do the same. Ahhhh.... it smells sooo gooood. "We styling!" Syd says as we lock both rooms and head out. We walk a few blocks to the arena, where all the lady leafs are watching a mini scrimmage in the stands. Me and Syd go to the bench and catch the eyes of our boys. "Babyyyy...." Auston whistles. "Oh my god Sydney." Matt face palms. "Mhmm we stole your jackets." Syd says. "Wow thanks." Auston laughs. I smile and send him a kiss. He does a really sexy wink in my direction. "Hey Martian! Matthews! Get out there!" Babcock yells, "and weren't you lady's suppose so be here a long time ago?!" I try to say something but I couldn't find the right words. Babcock turns his attention back to the ice. "Let's go get seats." Sydney whispers. I nod. We sit behind the bench.

The scrimmage went on for another hour or so. Coach dismissed the boys to get changed. Me and Sydney followed the lady leafs outside the arena, where we stood and waited for the team. The eventually came out. Auston and Matt come over to me and Syd. Auston hugs me. "You look so hot wearing my jacket." He whispers. "I'm also wearing your shirt." I laugh. He wiggles his eyebrows and unzips the jacket. "I just got that one." He chuckles, "you can have it." "Really? I can give it back." "No, it looks better on you." He smiles. "Well thank you." I blush. "Alright everyone, gather around!" Babcock yells to everyone. "Do we all agree on McDonald's for our late breakfast at the hotel?" "Yesssss!!!" We all cheer. We rush back to the hotel as a huge mob and run to the top floor. We all sit outside our rooms and wait for the food to arrive. Me, Sydney, Auston and Matt talked because we sat right in front of each other. "Hey Sydney? Do you mind if we switched spots?" Auston asks. Syd smiles at me and nods, "of course Auston." She crawls into Matt's lap and snuggles into his chest. Auston picks me up and puts me in the same position.

"Hahahahaha!! Oh my god!!" I hear Kin laugh. I look over and smile to her. She stops laughing and stares at me, expressionless. Then starts whispering to Stephanie, who quickly puts her phone to ground and stares at me. Weird. Kinsley and Stephanie would never do that. "Foods here!" Mitch yells. We get up and help ourselves to breakfast. I grab everything I want and sit back down, so does everyone else. I take a few bits of my eggs and leave the hash brown. I watch everyone get up for seconds and even thirds. I sit leaning against the wall, wondering if Kin was mad at me, maybe she was upset or maybe Steph said something to her about me. I'll try to talk to her later. I put my plate down, still hungry but not feeling like eating. "Baby, your not hungry?" Auston says poking his fork at the remaining eggs on my plate. I shake my head, "you can have it. I'm going to the bathroom." I get up and go to my room. Lies all lies. I don't feel like being around everyone. I want so alone time. I sit on my bed and go on my phone. I check Instagram and see a post I was tagged in....I wish I haven't. I was a picture of me....and I was... naked..? It was posted by maple_leafs_queen34 and it was captioned "this is the slut Auston Matthews is dating. Doesn't he deserve better? What a bitch!" I tap on the persons profile and report them. Hopefully they get banned. Nobody should be putting this stuff online about anyone.

I sigh and lie down. I think today is gonna be a chill day. The first game is tomorrow so the players need to rest. 'Knock knock' "Can I come in?" Auston says opening the door. "Mhm sure" I say expressionless. He walks in and lays beside me. "Everything okay?" He says playing with my hair. "Yeah." I shrug. "Come on Baby, I know something's up." I sigh, "I'll just show you." I take my phone and open the account that "the picture" was posted at.

I give him the phone and turn my body away from him. "Oh my god." He sighs and puts the phone down. He turns and faces the same way as I am. He grazes my butt with his hand and strokes all the way down my leg. "It'll be fine. Fans always find a way to get under your skin." He kisses my neck and nips at my face. "Aus...." I groan. "Can we please do this later?" He smiles, "I'll give you all of it later." I sigh, "and don't hold back." He continues kissing me everywhere. He even grobs my breasts. "Mmhm." I moan quietly. He chuckles, "you like that?" "Mmm your a god." I moan. "A hot god?" "Oh yeah." 'Knock Knock' I jump in shock and fall off the bed. "Come in!" Auston yells as he rushes to help me up. The door opens to revel Mitch. "Just wanted to tell you that coach is letting us free today no schedule." "Thanks." Auston says and lifts me bridal style off the floor. "No problem." Mitch says and closes the door on his way out. "What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" I ask. Auston shrugs, "Wanna go to the mall?"

Next chapter coming up soon sorry again for the long wait.
Word count: 1248

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