Chapter 24

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The first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone. Turns out I had a missed call from Auston. He left a voice mail so i listened to it. "Hey babe, I know it's early but I wanted to ask you if me and will can come over to talk about the playoff schedule. Love you." I smile to myself. His voice is so hot in the morning. I text back back and say they could come a little later since I still have to tell Kinsley and get ready.

I got out of bed, dressed in a cute outfit and headed to the kitchen. I tell Kin about the plans for the day. "So when are they coming over then?" She says while spooning her cereal into her mouth. "In like ten minutes maybe." I say, tidying up the kitchen a bit. "What?!" She yelped, rushing to finish her cereal. she got up, put the bowl in the sink and ran to the bathroom to apply her makeup. "Wow you could join a track team with that speed!" I laugh. "Shut up!" She shouts from the bathroom. I giggle and continue cleaning up.

*ding dong* "I'll get it!" I yell. I go to the door and find two hockey players looking hot and ready for the playoffs. "Hey come in!" I smile. I shift away from the door and let them inside. "Thanks for having us on such late notice. Auston was suppose to ask you last night. But I'm guessing he forgot." William nudged austons arm. "Yeah sorry about that." Auston said shyly. His voice is still husky, causing me to blush. "It's no problem. I'm glad your here." I say. "Oh and Kinsley should be out of the bathroom soon. She wants to look good for you ya know." I wink at will. He chuckles and hangs up his jacket. They take off their shoes and we sit on the couch.

I sat with Auston and we waited for kin who then sat with will. "So, playoffs are in a few days. We got our schedules." Will says breaking the silence. "And why don't you tell them who we're playing?" Auston grumbles. "Chicago." Will says sadly. I shake my head. I knew it. "Where's The first game?" Kin asks. "Well first two are in Chicago, then we come here for two." Will explains. Kin nods and cuddles with wills hand. "It's okay, we'll get threw it." I say calmly. "We can't trust Chicago anymore.... it's was to dangerous." Auston says. I place my hand on his knee. He takes it and strokes my fingers. I sigh. It's going to be a long week in Chicago.

"What if we sit behind your bench? That way you guys can keep an eye on us?" Kin suggests. "Yeah I think that's a good idea." Will nods. I squeeze austons hand, making him look at me. "Please babe I really want to go with you guys. And this way you can look back  and see me all night." He sighs. "Alright." I lean on him smiling. "When does the plane leave?" Kin asks. "What plane? You mean private jet?" Will says acting really confused. "What really?" She says shocked. He laughs and kisses her lips.

"We'll leave 4:00 am. We'll pick you up ourselves with wills car since it's a four seater." Auston says. "When should we start packing?" I ask. Auston shrugs, "maybe tomorrow. I think  we're gonna leave Tuesday so that gives us two days to pack." I snuggle into his chest and mumble an ok. He wraps his arms around me and plants kisses on my face. "Wanna go for coffee?" Will says. We decide to get coffee at a small place near the acc. We put our jackets on and head outside.

We walk until we get there. Auston opens the door for us and we walk into the sketchy diner. There's a guy working there, we'll just standing there waiting for people to walk in I guess. Auston pulls me back, letting Will and Kin go in front. "Stay close to me." He whispers. The. He adjusts his baseball cap to cover his eyes a bit more. He takes my hand and we go up to the guy. Will and Kin order and then we do. He seems like a nice man. He hands us our coffees and we pay him. "Have a great day." He says cheerfully and winks at me. I lower my head and pretend I didn't see it.

We walk to a pond and sit down on two park benches that were close together. Me and Auston take one and Kin and will take the other. We watch the ducks swim by. I hang one of my legs over austons. He moves me so that I'm fully sitting on his lap and I snuggle into his chest. "Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day." I mumble against him. "Yup you bet." He says and starts kissing me all over.

Guys I'm just gonna let you know that I'm planning on changing the cover for this book because there are quite a few books with this Auston Matthews cover. So watch out for that!

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