Chapter 21

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Note: some swearing near the end🐳

I got to sleep in today since I wasn't going to any hockey practices. It's hard to believe the seasons almost over. This is the second last game until playoffs.

I get out of bed, get dressed and go to the kitchen to make some food. Kinsley comes in, "Hey wanna go out for breakfast?" I feel my eyes light up. "Why you saw a place?!" "Yeah sunset grill's just around the corner." She chuckles.

"Well then hell yeah!!" I say smiling. We bundle up cause it's still cold outside, and head for sunset grill. We still don't have a damn car! So we walk. It's only like 15 minutes from our apartment anyway.

We open the door and are greeted by a cheerful looking lady. "Hello and welcome to sunset! Table for two?!" She says almost to peppy. "Yes mam!" Kin says. "Please follow me." The lady walks us to a booth and hands us menus.

"Can I start you lady's off with any drinks or are we ready to order?" She asks. "We're ready." I say. Kin nods and orders eggs, sausage, and bacon. I get pancakes and bacon. "I'll be back in a few with your meals!" She says and happily takes our menus and goes on to the next table.

I take a sip of my water and almost choke. "Hey you Okay?" Kin says. I shake my head. A guy who looked exactly like Michael Diaz is heading straight to our table!! He comes and stands beside me. "Ugh You again." Kinsley rolls her eyes. He ignores her and stares at me. "Hey pretty girl." "Please I have a boyfriend!!" I say with a hint of attitude. Then suddenly, his lips attack my neck. I squirm trying to get him off. He nips at my skin like Auston would but he's much rougher.

I shove him off. "Your crazy! You can't go around kissing girls like that!!" Kinsley yells. A bunch of people stare, but she doesn't care. "I can do what ever I want! It's a free country!" He snaps back. Then turns back to me. "Ya know someday your gonna be mine and I'll get to watch Auston suffer." He smirks. "Ha in your dreams!" I roll my eyes. "What did u just say?! Just wait till I get my hands on you!" He snarls.

"WAITER!" Kinsley screams. A different waiter comes rushing over. This time it's a guy. "What's the problem miss." He asks politely. "This guy just harassed my friend can u please do something?" Kin says raging with anger. "Yes of course mam." The guy waiter grabbed Michael and escorted him to the door.

Everyone went back to talking or eating and pretended like nothing happened. I sigh. "You Okay?" Kin asks. "Yeah I guess but what the fuck!" I say. "I know. But at least he's gone." "Yeah gone...for now!" I say. "Maybe Auston will do something." Kin shrugs. I nod and feel my neck for any scratches. "Here." Kinsley giving me a compact mirror. "Thanks." I say taking it. I hold out the mirror to take a close look at my neck.

Shoot. There was some marks but nothing to noticeable. I shake my head and give Kinsley her mirror back. "Let's eat our breakfast and go find the guys." She says. The sooner I could tell auston what happened, the better. I nod, "Alright."

Can't wait for Willy's birthday on may 5th!!!!!!! Who's celebrating?!😍😍

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