Chapter 20

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Awe man we lost in the first series😩 it's fine we'll beat em next year!! I feel bad for jake though. Everyone's blaming him for losing and he knows it's his fault. Anyways enjoy chapter 20!!

"Come on Allison I don't bit!" Auston pouts patting the spot next to him. I shake my head and look away. He scoots beside me. "Hey you Okay?" He puts his arm around me. I sigh. "Yeah I'm sorry my mom said that." Auston just chuckles.

He lays me on the couch so he's on top. We obviously can't do anything serious. He kisses my jawline and nips at my neck. He runs his hands down my sides and lifts up my shirt a bit and caresses my tummy.

I hear foot steps coming down the stairs. I try to shake him off but he wouldn't move. " stop." I try my best to whisper. At the last second he grabs me and sits me on his lap. I barry my face on his shoulder so I don't pant or gasp for air. I hear the door Steps stop. "Dinners ready!!" My mom says cheerfully. I slowly raise my head. "Thanks mom." I try to get up and follow her up the stairs but that wasn't an option. Auston carries me bridal style up the stairs and puts me down when he sees my parents.

We sit at the table. My mom puts a tray of lasagna in the middle of us all so everyone can help themselves. Wy goes first. He scoops out a huge piece, puts it on his plate and passes the spoon to Auston. Auston gets one for me and himself. I kiss his nose as a thank you. "I don't remember you doing that when we were dating Chris." My mom says. My dad shrugs and passes the spoon to her. Everyone laughs.

Auston digs right in. His face lights up as soon as he chews. "This is so good mrs. Carter!" He says taking another bite. "Thank you son but please, me carol." Auston nods and smiles. I nudge his arm. "Tell them the reason why we came." I whisper. "No you." He says. "Everything okay?" My dad asks. "Umm we have something to tell you guys." My parents nod. "So you know how Austons playoff season is coming up? He wants me to go with him to see all the games." My parents look at each other. "Well yes but promise me two things young man." My dad narrows his eyes at Auston. "Bring her back safe and please for heaven sake don't injure yourself. Got it?" Auston smiles. "Yes thank you so much!" My parents smile and and we continue eating.

It's time to go back to Toronto. I Help wash the dishes and we start getting ready to go. We stand at the front door and get our coats on. My mom gives us the left over lasagna. "Hey um.. Auston matthews?" Wyatt says. Auston bends down to his height. "Um will I ever get to see you again?" "Of course buddy, well come over again." Auston says and gives him a hug. Everyone chuckles and we walk out the front door. "Bye guys! Be safe!" My mom calls. "Holy! Look at that car!" My dad says. We get in Austons car and wave goodbye to my parents as we zoom off. "Thanks for being so sweet to my family." "Yeah their amazing Allison." I smile. "Oh hey weren't we supposed to meet kin and will?" I say. "Nope, will dropped her off at her house and then he went back home." "Wait how do you know?" "He texted me."

Auston drives me back to my apartment. We go up to my apartment room and I kiss him goodbye. "Good luck tomorrow." I wink. "Thanks." He smirks and smacks my butt. I blush and unlock the door. "Bye see you tomorrow!" I say. "See you babe." He says and walks to the elevator. I watch him leave and go inside my home. "How was your night?" I ask kin. She comes over and hugs me. "Yeah it was amazing! My parents approve will and said I could travel with him!" She squeals. "Yeah same!" I squeal back. I laugh, "we're going to maple leaf playoff games!" "I know! I never thought we'd be here right now!" Kin says. "Well have to ask them when we leave so we can start packing." I say. Kin nods. We celebrate by eating popcorn and watching a marvels avengers movie.

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