Chapter 17

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❗️This chapter is a really mature theme. Please don't read if your not comfortable❗️
When our food comes, we eat on the couch. Instead of watching tv we talk and the time comes for me to spill the beans.

"Guys I think I'm ready to tell the story now." I say quietly. Everyone looks at me. I take a deep breath. Auston holds my hand In his. "So when me and Stephanie went to get food two guys stopped us on the way back to our seats." I take a bit of my salad and continue. "Then they physically picked us up and brought us to an old dressing room. And well, they stripped us..." I could tell auston was getting upset. "Umm and they tried to do something only a boyfriend or husband should do to their-" "Okay I've heard enough." Auston interrupts. "I should have been there." He says. "But you technically were on time because if you and Mitch had arrived 10 seconds later me and Steph would have lost our verg-" "yup you don't have to say it." He says kissing my cheek. "I'm just glad for Okay." I smile and snuggle up to him.

"Wow no wonder you didn't wanna tell us." Kin says looking a bit scared. she gets up to put her plastic container in the trash but will takes it from her and puts it in the garbage along with his, before she could stop him. I laugh at her shocked face. I take mine and austons and put them in the garbage to. I lay down on the opposite side of Auston and and turn over so that I'm on my stomach and still get a view of the tv. "So what do y'all wanna watch?" Kin says flipping through the channels. "Oh hey the raptors are on." Will says. Kin clicks on the channel. "Wow were losing." I say. The score is 56-45 Cleveland. "Yeah Cleveland is a good team." Auston says. "Is still second quarter so we'll catch up." Will says.

Second is almost over and for some reason I feel uncomfortable, like the feeling you get when someone's staring at you. I look over at Will and Kin but their to busy talking to notice me. I blush and look at Auston. I blush even harder when I see him staring at my ass. I smirk and grab his hand. I put it on my butt and squeeze make him squeeze it. He looks at me and smirks to. "Ya know Allison wanted to show me something in her room, we'll be back." Auston says standing and carries me with him. "It's that room on the left." I whisper. He goes and locks the door behind us.

Auston pushes me up against the wall and attacks my neck. "Mmmmhhh.." I let out. He chuckles and nips my neck trying to find my sweet spot. "Auuhhh!" I yell when he finds it and bits down hard trying to leave a mark. He pulls back satisfied with his work. I tremble under him waiting to see what he's gonna do next. He leans against me, I can feel his manhood throb against my womenhood. I blush as he leans to my ear. "I know you want this..." he whispers. I nod slightly and that's enough for him to start unbuttoning my jeans.
He's carful taking them off unlike the guys who kidnaped me.

He puts my pants to the side and moves to my shirt. He's carful taking that off to. He moves to my bra and squeezes me threw it. Then he takes it off and throws it to the side. He takes my boob in his mouth and swirls his tong around it. He kneeds the other one and then switches. I bit my lip when he finishes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Like that babe?" I nod and start biting my lip again. He looks in my eyes as he moves his hand down and presses it against my womanhood. I shiver and reach for his free hand to help me stay straight. He smirks and gently takes my panties off. Then he takes a step back and looks me up and down. I cross my legs and cover my self a bit " Auston...don't stare..." I groan. "Okay Okay I won't." He says un crossing my legs and lifting my hands over my head. "Your just so beautiful." He kisses my lips softly and puts his hands on my womenhood again.

"Mmmmhhh...." I moan. He looks into my eyes and pulls his hands away. "Allison, are you sure you want this?" I nod, all I could do was nod. He lifts me up, unconvinced, and places me on my bed. He spreads my legs out and rubs my womenhood with his hand. I arch my back and let out a grunt. He puts his mouth to me and eats me out. Licking and caressing my folds with his tongue. "Au-auston!!" I scream. He replaces his Tongue with his finger and fingers me hard. He kisses my womenhood and bits my clit. I feel my eyes roll back and my mouth hang open. He adds another finger to me. "Oh fuck!!" I moan. I can feel him smile. He adds another finger and then another. "Ahhh shit shit shit!!" I scream. I feel a tight knot form in my stomach. "I'm-im cumming!!" I gasp. I release a loan of white liquid on to austons fingers, which he licks clean and licks my womenhood one last time. I pant and lay still. "That was amazing." I breath out. He chuckles and lays down beside me. "I feel so weak though." I pant. "Yeah that's what pre sex does to ya." He laughs. "What about the real sex?" I ask. "We'll get to that another time." He winks. I smile. "I really don't feel like getting up and seeing Will and Kin again." I say. "Well I'll go tell them you fell asleep and come back and sleep with you." Auston says getting up. I smile and get cozy under the covers.

When Auston comes back, he cuddles with me and drapes his arms over my waist. We will have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow!

Oof! 1060 words! First smut I've ever written and posted before. Please don't hate!! More coming soon😉

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