Chapter 8

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Guys this chapter will be rated mature... it's not to bad but I'm just going to say read at your own risk.....

"Let me teach you." Auston smiled. He grabbed both my hands and pulled me with him. I was standing on the ice. I could feel myself starting to shake. I looked down again, ashamed. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist in a hug. I shed a few tears and hugged back.

Auston let go of me and took my hands again. "Let's go step by step." He said soothingly. I nodded trying not to be a baby.

Eventually I was gliding but still holding on to Auston pretty firmly. "Wanna take a break?!" He asked. I nodded again. I didn't say much because I didn't trust myself not to cry.

Unexpectedly Auston carried me bridal style all the way to the penalty box. I yelped in shock and Auston laughed.He put me down on the ledge so that my skates weren't touching the ice. He sat beside me and hung one arm over my shoulder.

We watched will and Kin skate for a while. They looked like they were having so much fun. Will would sneak up behind Kin and pick her up by the waist. When she was ready he would through her into the air and she would land back on her skates. Will screamed that they were professional figure skaters!!

I chuckled at them. I was glad that at least my bestie was having fun with her dream guy. Suddenly I felt a big force of someone pushing me. I yelled as I felt myself fall to the ice. "Hey!" I heard Auston yell at someone. "Don't do that! Ever! You messed with the wrong girl!!" I looked at will and Kin who stood frozen on centre ice staring above me. Will skates over and picked me up. He brought me to centre ice where Kin also stood.

We watched Auston and some guy I've never seen before duke it out in the penalty box! Eventually they stopped. "Auston Mathews. I'll be back for her." The guy said. "Touch her and you die." Auston snarled at him. The guy ran out the arena. "Auston!!" I yelled. He skates over to us. "Who was that?!" I asked scared. "He plays for Chicago. We used to be buds and then I got drafted before him and he turned against me." Auston said taking my hands again. I felt pain in my left arm, and a lot of it. "Ahhh.." I said bending over.

Auston rolled up my sleep. It was almost covered in blood. I winced and pulled it back down. "No" Auston whispered. "I'm fine really." I said. "Your not, we have to bandage you up." He carried me off the ice to the change room. He picked up an aid kit. "Can you take your shirt off for me?" He asked. I blush "I'm not wearing another shirt under." "I promise I'll be quick." He said also turning red.

He got some bandages out and watched me take off my sweat shirt. He touched my stomach. I sigh and grab his arm that was touching me, as if to say more. He traveled to the back of my black lace bra and snaked his arm around my back and undid it. He didn't take it off though. My skin felt cold against the cool air. His large soft hands rubbed my shoulders and went down my back.

Auston sat beside me, his back facing the change room door. I leaned against him and he continued to massage my shoulders. I heard the door creak which blew more cold air into the room. "Whoa..." I heard Kinsley say. Auston was quick to cover me with his sweater which was also on the ground. "Umm I was just checking to make sure your ok but I guess you seem kinda busy." She rambled and close the door quickly.

I looked up at Auston and we both laughed. He helped me tie up my bra and bandage my cut arm. Then he put his sweater on me. " looks better on you." He kissed my forehead. "Thanks." I laugh. And we headed out the door.

Sorry some sin but not to much!! Hope you enjoyed that loll. Also comment if you want me to write a lemon or an actual "sin" later in the book.

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