chapter 10

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Me and Auston got out of his car and walked to will's front door. He kept trying to pick me up and carry me there but I insisted I was fine. I kept telling him I was okay and he should be to. Kinsley answered the door and let us in. 

You would think Most hockey players live in apartments or condos here, but Will lives with his brother ( alex nylander he plays for an american team you probably already know that ) just outside of toronto. 

Me and Auston took our shoes of and sat in the living room with kin and will. The four of us talked about random things until we heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" will and kinsley raced to the door like little kids. I look into Auston's eyes and kissed his cheek. "cheer up babe. The rest of the gang is coming." 

Mitch, Syd, Matt, and steph walked into the living room. "Hey Allison! How are you?!" syd said giving me a big hug. "I'm fine! How are you guys?" I asked her and steph. "were doing good to." stephanie answered and gave me a hug next. "Hey whos ready to start the party?!" Mitch yelled. He leaned down to give me a hug. we all laugh. I gave Matt a fist bump and let him bro hug Auston. "you alright man?" Matt asked. "what? yeah! of" he said awkwardly. "okay cool..." Matt  answered awkwardly looking away. 

"alright guys make your selves at home. Theres some drinks on the counter if you want. help your selves!" will said coming into the awkward convo. Auston scratched the back of his head and turned to sit on the couch. I joined him and everyone seemed to sit on a couch or chair. why is this so awkward? "so...we could go somewhere." Mitch said breaking the silence. "I saw a go-carting place on the way. It looked pretty cool." syd suggests. "Thats perfect! Auston loves go-carting! Mitch said. Auston smiled and laced his fingers in mine. I look at his smiling face. The decision is made, go-carting it is. 

we get into our cars and drive a few blocks down the street. We go up to the man at the cash. Mitch and Matt ask the guy questions about the cost and the track. I look around, there seems to be nobody here. thats good, we'll have more time to race!!

After a while, Mitch gives us ID cards. "these are your cart numbers and name tags." he tells us. we all pin them to our sweaters and shirts. the guy leads us to the equipment area and we get sattled up. I get in a purple cart and wait for the guys to come around and strap my seat belt up. 

we all drive to the start of the track. "I'm gonna kick you ass!" I yell to Auston whos sitting in a yellow cart beside me. "we'll see about that!" he yells. everyone laughs. "ready? 3-2-1 GOOOO!!" the guys yells. I press the gas pedal hard and the cart roars to life. this is simple! I'm first...or I think I am Matt and Mitch are ahead of me. Auston is close behind me. I try and swerve in front of him, but fail. He passes me and joins his buds up ahead. syd and steph are next waving and passing me. I laugh. They've probably done this a milion times. 

kin and I go at the same fast pace to catch up with the rest together. Soon we do and it's head to head from there. we zoom through the finish line. I think Auston or syd won cause they are out of their carts before everyone else. Auston comes over to my cart and lifts me out. "ahhhh!" I laugh and hang on to him. "that was fun!" I say. "yeah! first timer?" he asks. "yeah I hope I did good." "I'm sure you did." he saysputting me down. 

we walk to the equipment place again and see our rankings. I was right Auston came first, syd a close second, then mitch, steph, Matt, Will, kin,....and me. I frown at the board. I really thought I did well. Ehh. I'll cream em next time. I smirk to myself. 

we all get our gear off and head back to wills. "good game everyone!" mitch yells through the door. "congrats Auston." will says. we all cheer and mitch holds up the plastic gold trophy Auston got. 

everyone heads to the living room. matt flips through channels on the t.v and finds the Raptors game. the were winning so far in the second quater. I was curled up on one of the couches with Auston, kin with will and you know the rest. Mitch made a cute promise to steph that everytime the raps made a three pointer, he would kiss the tip of her nose. It's mid-game and she already got a lot of those. 

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I hear people moving and open my eyes. mitch, steph, matt, and syd are all at the door with will. they shout good bye from the door and will lets them go. I look at kinsley who has wrapped herself with a fuzzy blanket and looks inpatient waiting for will to get back. soon enough he does and puts his arms around her, making her feel safe. I think auston saw me looking at them cause soon after he does the same. we say goodnight and fall asleep on william nylander's couch. 

935 words! wow thats a record. I thought it would be more professonal if I put will's full name at the end. Idk. anyways hope you liked that. I might do a short chapter next, considering the last two were so longgggg. I love all of you, and reminder that there is a game on tonight verusing the red wings I really hope we win. we have Auston and freddy back, plus we won last night to the preds. GO LEAFS GO!!!!!

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