Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to @liz_nolan12 for giving me motivation and staying up till 1 am reading my book😂 hope you like it just like I promised🙃

I woke up exactly how I fell asleep. Auston was still holding my hand and I took my head off his chest. "Hey Babe... sleep okay?" He asks with a smile. I nod, "how long was I out?" "Bout 40 minutes." He kisses my forehead. I nod again. There was still a few more hours till we landed. (like I said, I'm extending the flight) "wanna go to the lounge? I saw a few people go." "Sure." We get up and walk to the lounge.

We spot Matt and Syd sitting with kin, will, Steph, and Mitch. We sit with on the carpet floor with them. "What are you guys doing?" Auston asks. "Playing dirty truth or dare." Kin laughs. "Wanna join?" Syd says. Me and Auston nod. "And remember what happenes here, stays here." Steph explains. "We're in." I say. "Good thing we just started," Matt says, "who wants to go first?" "I will. Let's start with something simple." Syd says. "Kinsley truth or dare?" "Dare" kin smirks. "Alright I dare you to make out with will for a minute straight!" Kin and will blush and do Sydney's dare. They pull apart after a minute, smiling.

"Aaaawwwweeee!!" The girls gush. "My turn!" Mitch says. "This will be a bit hard. Alli truth or dare?" "Dare." I say egarly. Auston smiles and holds my hand. "Alright let's switch it up a bit." Mitch says with an evil smile. "I dare you to sit in Matt's lap for the rest of the game." My face goes red and everyone Oooooooo's. I turn to Auston and we let go of our hand hold. I walk over to Matt and he crosses his legs and motions for me to sit on him. I do and he awkwardly wraps his arms around my waist. I blush even harder and wince at his touch. I look at Auston, who's just as shocked as I am. "Really Mitch? I don't even get to sit with my girlfriend?" He mutters. Mitch shrugs "anything can happen." Auston rolls his eyes.

"Steph your turn." "Hmmmmm....." she looks around our small circle. "Alright Mitchy, truth or dare?" "Dare." "because you did that to Allison... I dare you to kiss will." Wills eyes grow wide. "Is that a punishment for him or for me?!" Steph laughs and pushes Mitch closer to will. I close my eyes, and lean on Matt's chest, not wanting to see this. I hear everyone scream and I open my eyes. I laugh and everyone looks at me to go next. "Okay, Syd it's your turn!" I yell. "Truth or dare?" "Truth." She giggles. "Have you and Matt ever had sex?" She turns red and doesn't say anything. Everyone Ooooooo's "Okay Okay!" She laughs. "Will your turn." Will straitens his back. "Allison truth or dare?" Me again? "Dare." "I dare you to kiss Matt for 30 seconds." I blush. "I-I can't do that to Sydney or Auston." I say. "Oh I'm fine with it!" Syd laughs, "it's just a dare." Auston shrugs, "if Sydney's fine with it I am to." I turn to Matt. He puts his hand on my cheek and wraps his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder. He tilts his head head a whispers, "it's okay I know it's weird." I nod, "lets just get it over with." We take a deep breath and lean in.

His lips are so soft and his tongue tastes like cherry candy. I can hear the others counting down the seconds. They hit one and we pull apart. That wasn't so bad. "You Okay?" Matt whispers as everyone screams. I nod "I'm fine." He smiles and I turn around and lean on his again. "Oof well that was painful." Auston smiles. "You got one good girl Matthews." Matt laughs. I blush and smile at his comment. "Who's next?" Syd says. "I'll go!" Kin says. She clears her throat. "Okay this ones for alli, not me....Auston truth or dare." "Dare." He says uneasy. "Take off your shirt." Kin smirks at me. Auston wiggles his eyebrows at me. Everyone laughs and yells "do it!" He lifts his shirt over his head and throws it to me. I catch it and blush. All I could say was "woah..." everyone butts into laughter. I covered my face in embarrassment. "Ooo! I have a good one for alli!!" Mitch says rasing his hand like a kid in math class. "Alli are you gonna pick truth?" He questions with a pouty lip. I shrug "why not." He smiles a big smile. "Tell is if you had sex with Auston or take off your shirt." Mitch wiggles his eyebrows at Auston. "Oh god." I sigh and get off Matt's lap. I throw my shirt off to the side to revel my black sports bra. I look at auston. He's biting his lip and staring me up and down. Everyone Oooooo's and Mitch orders me to sit back down on Matt. "Matt your turn. Truth or dare." Sydney says. "Dare." "Okay this might be a bit weird but...." she looks at Auston who's still biting his lip and looking at me. "Tease alli and put on a show for that big boy." Syd gestures to Auston. Matt laughs, "Okay." No! I'm not ready for this!!

I can feel Matt's lips rub against my shoulder. I take a deep breath. He moves to my neck and nips me there. I let out a groan. Matt runs his hands over my belly. He takes on of my bra straps and pulls it down a little. He pulls at my tights to, so that they were down enough to see the helm of my under wear. He keeps kissing me and moves down my neck. He squeezes my boob threw my bra with his delicate hand. "Ahmmmmm!!" I moan. Everyone's oddly silent. I glance at Auston who has so much lust in his eyes. "Hey Auston." Steph says. I let out another moan. "I dare you to take Allison away from his and kiss her to death." She says feeling bad for him. He nods. I grunt again as Matt pulls my other bra strap down. Suddenly he stops I feel so weak. Auston carries me off Matt's lap and brings me to where he was siting. I lye down on the rough carpet floor and feel his kiss me everywhere.

"Auston I dare you do feel her tree her pants." Matt says. Auston obes and I'm now a moaning mess. The others keep daring him to do other random things to me, until they run out of ideas! By the time Auston was done with me, He sat up and held me in his arms. I feel so weak in his lap, barely moving. But I know I'm safe when ever I'm with him.

Word count; 1173 now y'all know why I took so long writing this!!

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