Chapter 38

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Prepare for smut at the end💙

I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains. I look at Auston who's getting dressed. "Morning babe." He says, noticing I'm awake. "Good morning." I mumble and sit up, swinging my legs over the bed. "What am I supposed to wear today?" I ask. "You want one of my hoodies?" He asks. I shrug, "it's to cold outside to wear just a hoodie." There's a sudden knock at the door and Sydney walks in. "Time to get dressed!" She smiles, "I'm gonna give you a makeover! And you can wear one of my outfits!" I giggle, "okay!" I slowly get up and Auston kissed me...well more like make out for a while. Sydney sighs in frustration, "comeeee onnnnnn. You guys can kiss after. I'm gonna make her look so stunning that you won't be able to resist her!" She says and point at Auston. Then she takes me to her room where all the 'magic' begins. Syd does my makeup really really good and chooses an outfit for me (just green leggings and a fancy shirt). Not gonna lie, I look pretty damn good. "You ready?!" Sydney says. I nod and laugh. I am so truly blessed to have family like her. She claps her hands in excitement and we walk into the kitchen.

Matt and Auston were talking. Matt was the one facing out direction and smiles. "Matt you okay?" Aus asks. Matt nods, "it's your girl..." Aus turns around and his jaw drops. I run to him and jump into his arms. He kisses me aggressively but passionately. He lays me down on the couch. "Your so fucking sexy." He says, still in his husky morning voice. I grunt at how hot he was being and grab his face and bring his lips to mine. "Ehemmm...." Syd clears her throat and we break apart. Aus lifts me off the couch and snags his arms around my waist. Sydney shrugs, "meh, I did say you wouldn't be able to resist her." Auston chuckles, "yeah. You did a good job." I blush, "yeah thanks Syd." She giggles, "no problem at all." "So what are gonna be up to today." I ask. Syd shrugs, "let's have a chill day and go to the outdoor mall!" My eyes go wide, "Yes! I agree let's do that!" Me and Syd squeal and Matt and Aus fake smile. We get our stuff on and head out to the mall!

I grab Austons arm and drag him out of the truck, syd does the same with Matt. The first store we go to is forever 21. I pick out some ripped jeans and a bomber jacket. Syd picks the same but in different styles and colours. Auston and Matt also get a t shirt each. We pay for our stuff and head to the next store....Victoria's secret!! Me and Sydney links arms and walk in. We start looking at the thongs and bralets. "Ooooo Ali, this would look good on you!" Syd says holding up a grey and black lace pantie with the matching bralet. I nod, "ill try it on." Sydney picks up a pink patterned set and smiles, "I think I'll try these on." I giggle and look at Auston and Matt who have loads of underwear in their hands. They come up to us smiling. "Hey baby... if you don't mind, I picked out a few that I know would look hot on you." Aus says in his sexy voice. I roll my eyes, "just a few eh? You picked up the whole store." "Can you please try then on?" He says pouting. "Fine but only a few. Let's see what you got." He nods and holds up each one. I agree to try on two pairs of panties and one bra. They were both overly cut out and wayyy to over laced, but those were the least slutty he got. I see Syd only pick out a few of Matt's choices as well. "Ready to try these on?" I ask. She nods and we walk into separate fitting rooms in the back. Aus and Matt sit outside and wait. I try on one of the sets aus picked and cringe admittedly as I look in the mirror. There was no coverage what so ever. Classic horny Auston. I hate to say it but it's true. I walk out the same time Sydney does and both guys jump to their feet. Aus grabs my waist, pulling me against his strong figure. I moan and he grunts. Hot. He nibbles on my ear and whispers, "I'm buying you matter what your say....and your wearing it to bed tonight." I can't help but smile and think of all the crazy things that would be going down tonight. He lets me go back into the change room to change. I try on the others and don't bother showing him, since I wanna keep the store PG ya know. I end up buying the grey and black one Syd picks out and Aus bugs me the sexy black one. Sydney buys the pink one she picked out and a navy blue one Matt picked.

After Victoria's Secret, we all take a washroom break. As me and Syd wash our
Hands, she asks, " and Auston gonna do some naughty things tonight?" I blush, "well um...that's what Auston said...." Syd smiles, "don't be shy about it, me and Matt are to." I giggle and we head out. We go to a few more stores and when it gets to cold we drive back to Matt and Syds place. We order Uber eats and agree to watch a romantic movie. I lay down on Auston and he places both hands around my...area. I sigh, smiling knowing that great pleasure awaits. Sydney looks over at us and smirks. I giggle and Auston starts kissing my forehead. Sydney taps Matt and they both smile at us. Auston stops kissing me and sees them watching. "We all know that we're all gonna have sex tonight so I don't understand what the big deal is." He laughs and we all chuckle. Matt turns off the tv and looks at Syd. "I guess we better start quickly then." She blushed and smirks, standing up and pulling him towards their bedroom.

Once their gone, Auston picks me up and carries me to our guest bedroom. He lays me on the bed and kisses me everywhere. Then he takes his shirt off and caresses my curves with his strong hands. "Babe?" "Mhhhmm." I moan. "Are you gonna get into the sexy outfit?" I nod, "yeah I promised you didn't I?" He nods. I get up and change in front of him, my back turned to him of course. I turn around and he licks his lips. "I want that ass." He says smacking my butt. I moan, "I know you do....but first I want yours." He smirks, "so we're gonna play that game are we?" I smirk back, " I guess so." I wrestle him onto the bed and rip his pants off. I pushing him agains the bed. "Be a good Ausy and stay." I say as sexually as I can. His eyes go wide and he stays still. I smile and remove his boxers. I take his manhood in my hand and run my fingers down his shaft. He grunts and closes his eyes. "You told Stephanie that I wouldn't have the guts to do this.....if I remember correctly." He moans, "I take it back..." "you better." I say moving my hand faster. He moans louder. I put my mouth on him and nod my head back and forth. "Ali...I'm gonna Cum...." He says breathless. I pull my head away and he cums all over the sheets. I giggle. "That was good." He pants. "Thank you." I smile. "But now it's your turn." He smirks and tackles me. He takes off both of my under wear and massages my boobs first. I giggle. The pleasure isn't enough to moan to but it still feels nice. Auston isn't satisfyed, "moan for me baby." I giggle "I can't." He frowns, "oh I'll make you moan alright." He goes straight for my area and plunged two fingers in me. I was so caught up in the pleasure that I forgot my women hood was still healing.

"AUSTON!" I cry out. He admittedly takes his fingers out and places his hands on my waist. "Babe....are you okay?!" He says panicking a bit. I sigh tears form in my eyes, "yea I'm fine. I'm sorry." He caresses my thighs in comfort, "Are you sure your okay?" I nod, "yea I just forgot was still healing." "Ohhh... I see." He says, "I'll go slow then?" I nod, "yes please..." his fingers make their way to my entrance and he slowly spreads out my folds, gently. He blows cool air on me, causing me to shutter. "Does it burn?" He asks. I shake my head, "not really." He brings his head down to me and licks my insides. "Uhhhhhh....yes right there babyyyy..." I moan and place my hand on his head, making him go deeper. He gently puts his fingers in me, causing me to feel a knot form in my stomach. "Babeee I'm gonna cummm." I moan. "Say my name alli. "He grunts against me. "Austonnnnn....ughhhh!" I say as I cum all over his hands and face. He licks up the liquid and looks at me, "Mmm, you taste good." I giggle and pant. "You ready for this?" He asks toying with my womenhood. "I'm always ready for you." I smirk.

Suddenly we hear loud noises coming from the other room.... "mmmmaattt!" Syd moans. "Shhh...not to loud the kids will hear!" Mat yells. "How am I supposed to be quiet?!" She screams. I laugh and so does aus. "Ok we gonna do this or what." I ask. "Oooo impatient are we?" He smirks. I remove his hand that was sitting on my area and place it on my hip. "Come on work your magic." I say. He chuckles and lines his member against my entrance. He pushed in slowly and waits for me to adjust. I nod and he moves faster but not much faster. "Ugh! Stop being such a tease!" Yell in frustration. He laughs and moves the tiniest bit faster. "Auston! Move or else we're never doing this again!" He smiles and rams into me. "Yessssss! Babyyyy that's what I'm talking a bout!" I moan. He grunts in response. "Fasterrrrr!" I moan and he does. "Aussssss..." I say. "Me to baby me to." He grunts. He pulls out and we cum at the same time. He sighs and collapses beside me. We get into bed and I curl up against his chest. He kisses me, "good night beautiful." I smile, "good night handsome."

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