Chapter 7

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Picture above is another one I took at buffalo😜. Now on with the story😂

When we got home....

"Oh my gosh! That was the best night I ever had with a guy!" I screamed as we walked thru our apartment door. "I know same!!" Kin screamed back. "The practice is in a few hours so let's get ready." I say calming down.

Me and Kin put on some jogging pants and TML Sweat shirts. we met eachother at the front of the apartment. "kin its been a long time since I skated." its true. my mom signed me up for skating lessons when I was in second grade! "I'm sure you'll be fine." easy for kinsley to say. she's been playing hockey in her back yard with ethan for years. "besides you'll have auston to hold you." she winked. I rolled my eyes but smiled. auston really like me.

kinsley went to go look for her hockey skates. she came back with a spare pair for me. "you'll be needing these!" she giggled. I stare at the black and grey bauer skates that were shaking because of how nervous I am. what if I fall? I'll embarase myself in front of will and auston. I don't want to do that! "you readt?" kin asked. I nodded but we both know I wasn't. "I'll drive." kin said. "thanks." I smile.

we put our skates in the back of my car and got in. I turned the radio up and hummed to God's plan by Drake. when we got to the arena, auston and will stood by the front doors. we got out of my car, bringing our skates with us.

"good morning!" auston said. I repiled with a hey. auston and will opened the doors for us. we thanked them and walked into one of the dressing rooms. "it's just gonna be us four today." will said. "oh really?" kinsley smiled. auston and will did up our skates like real gentlemen would. we thanked them againand waited for them to tie their own.

we walked out of the change room. kin was the first on the ice. she did some tricks like backwards cross overs. that seemed to impress will. He joined her on the ice. I could hear the two of them laughing and saw them holding each other. I wish I could skate like that.

Auston got on without trouble.( well no duh he's a hockey player🙄😂😂) my heart pounded in my chest. "Come Allison!" He reaches out his arms for me. I took his hands but froze. "You okay??" He asked. "Mhmm." Was all I could say as I stepped closer. I was a few centimetres away from the ice. "Allison its fun! Come skate with me!!" He begged. "Auston I-I..." "you what." He asked worriedly. "I can't skate!" I sigh and looked down. I can't do the one thing he loves. I felt two cold fingers lift my chin up. I looked into Austons eyes. He leaned closer and pressed his lips against mine and pulled away. "Let me teach you."

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