Chapter 16

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Me and Kinsley invited Auston and will to our place the next morning for dinner. We're just gonna order from chipotle to save ourselves from cooking. I was gonna get to explain my story from last night since nobody exactly knew what happened but me and Stephanie. I'm kinda scared actually.

Right now I'm sitting on my bed fiddling with a gold bracelet I put on my wrist in my casual clothes, ready to make myself some lunch. I get up and go to the kitchen. When I come in, Kinsleys watching sports highlights on the tv. "Hey Allison." She looks worried. I didn't tell her anything about last night so I guess she's dying to hear. "Are you sure you'll be ready to talk later?" I nod and get bread and cheese to make my self a grilled cheese sandwich. "Allison you can tell everyone when your ready. Your my best friend and I just want to know your okay." She says with tears in her eyes.

I huge her. "Thank you for always being there for me." I sniffle. "I'll tell you guys tonight but just you three for now." A tear slips from my eye. I wipe it with my sleeve but there's more coming. I hear Kin sniffle to. We huge and cry for a few minutes. It felt good to let it all out. Kin pulls away and rubs her eyes, "The boys will be here in a couple hours let's tidy up a bit." I nod. We clean up our apartment for a good hour and decide to watch some tv. "Hey it's quarter till 5 wanna change into more 'presentable' clothes?" Kin laughs doing air quotes. I smile and she pulls me up from the couch. I go to my room and she goes to hers. We change and come out at the same time. "Looking cute." Kin winks. "Yeah you to wills gonna like it." I say wishing I had more excitement in my voice. "Please don't be nervous to tell us Allison. We're here for you. You can trust us." Kinsley pulled me in for one last huge before there was a knock at the door.

I try so hard to blink the tears away as Kinsley answers the door. I follow her and keep telling myself to hold it together. "Hey what's up?" Kin says giving both the boys a hug. "The sky." Will says giving her a small kiss. She giggles and steps aside, allowing them in. I huge will first and Kin takes him to sit on the couch. I stare up at Auston and he looks down at me. "You look beautiful babe." I didn't trust myself to talk because I was afraid I'd cry again. He gives me for a long time and trails kisses down my neck. "I love you." I whisper. He stops kissing and looks at me. "I love you to." I lunge for his chest and sob, wearing his shirt a little but I don't think he cared. He hugs me and massages my back. I pull away and shake my head. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be acting like this." I say taking his coat from him and hanging it up. He laces his fingers with mine and let's me bring him to the living room where Kin and will already sat.

They were holding hands and watching the game from yesterday on leafs nation network. Me and Auston sit on the other couch, we'll more like he sits and pulls me on his lap. I snuggle up to him and let him rub my back. First period was done and now they were going on second.

Auston lightly tugs the bottom of my shirt as if to ask permission for him to slide his hand under it. I look at him and half smile to show I'm fine with it. He turns over so that his back is facing will and Kin so they couldn't see me. Austin's fingers danced around my back and over my stomach. He got brave enough to unclasp my bra and massage my boob. I close my eyes and squeeze his hand if I felt like I was gonna moan. To add more to the pleasure he pinched my nipple from time to time. "Mmugh." I let out. I could feel my face resentment but I didn't want him to stop, and he didn't. He tilts his head down a bit and nips my ear. I feel my eyes roll back a little and he seems to notice and chuckles. "What are you guys doing?" Kinsley asks. We freeze. "Yeah what's so funny auston?" Will asks. "Umm were just hungry." Auston says. He re clasps my bra and stops nipping my ear. I wimped from his loss of contact. He looks at me sympathetically as if to say I'll give you more later. "Okay let's order then." Kinsley says. She takes out her phone. We order chipotle from Uber eats and wait for our food to arrive.

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