Chapter 19

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Yeeeeee!!! Heres chapter 19💙

For the rest of the day we talk more about our parents and stuff like that. We decide that we'd go tomorrow because the day after, the boys had a game.

Time skip to the next day....

It's almost noon (12:00pm) and Auston and will are going to pick us up now so we can drive to Markham. Me and Kin put our jackets on and grab our apartment keys and of course our phones. We head down to the lobby where we wait for our guys. They don't take long to get here so we leave right away.

"Thanks for agreeing to do this auston." I say as he gets on the highway. Kin and will are right behind us (in wills car of course) "Yeah no problem." He smiles. "My parents are gonna be so surprised!" I laugh. He does to. "You haven't told them I'm coming?" "Nope I said secret boyfriend." I giggle. He smiles, "Well lets hope they like me." "They will. My parents are the nicest humans on earth. You have nothing to worry about." I grab his free hand and lace our fingers together for the rest of the drive.

About half an hour later, we reach Kinsley and I's neighbourhood. Auston pulls into my parents drive way and will parks on the side crib in front of the lawn. We all get out and stand on the lawn. "Alright, my house is just down there." Kin says. "Yup me and Auston will meet you guys back here when we're done. Got it?!" I say. Everyone nods and we head out separate ways.

Me and Auston walk up to the front door and ring the door bell. I smile as the door opens revealing my little brother Wyatt. His mouth drops open. "Hey wy, this is my boyfriend.." "AUSTON MATTHEWS?!" He yells before I could finish. "Oh my god!! What do I say?! Oh my god! Shhhh! Be cool Wyatt... uhhh sup." Wyatt rambles. "Sup little man." Auston laughs and puts up his hand for a high five. Wyatt says nothing as he fives him. "I'm never washing my hand again." He whispers. "Sorry bud, what was that?" Auston asks. "You heard nothing...." he whispers a bit louder. He runs upstairs.

I step into my house and take our coats and put them in the closet. "Sorry about Wyatt...he's just....excited..." I shrug. Auston wraps his hands around my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. "I think he's cool." Auston says in a raspy voice. He leans in to kiss me when.... "oh Allison! I'm so glad your home! And who's this??" My mom says happily walking into the hallway. Auston jumps and takes his hands off me. "Hey mom." I laugh and give her a hug. "And you must be the secret boyfriend." She says hugging Auston. "Say, you look familiar." She says pulling away. Auston scratches the back of his head, "Yeah I'm sort of.." "What the hell is auston Matthews doing at my front door?!" My dad interrupts and runs to us. "Dad this is my boyfriend." I say shyly. "Welcome to the family son." He says giving Auston a bear hug. "Come on in you two!" My mom says. We sit in the living room and talk about life.

"And yeah that's how we met." I finished. "Wow! Love at first sight." My mom gushes. "Mommmm...." I grumble. She ignores me. "You guys are welcome to stay for dinner. I've got lasagna in the oven." "YESSSS Wed love to stay!!!!" Auston responds admittedly. I giggle. "Our pleasure than." My mom laughs.

My phone lights up. I got a message from Kin. I open it. Staying at my place for dinner see you tonight at our place. She wrote. Same! See you! I wrote back. I nudge Auston. "Kin and will are staying for dinner at Kin's house to." Auston nods. "Kinda saw it coming." I smile and put my phone down.

My parents go in the kitchen to check on dinner. I take the chance to get up and sit in austons lap. He puts his arms around me and kisses everywhere on my face. I giggle and close my eyes. I have the best boyfriend ever. Auston suddenly stops kissing me so I snuggle into his chest. "Uhehem." I open my eyes to see my dad looking at us. Then my mom comes in. "Oh Chris give these two some space! Their so wrapped up in each other that I'll probably be expecting grand babies next year!!" "Mom!" I yell. I can feel my face turn red. Auston tried not to laugh. "What if you don't want kids just yet, use protection!" My mom shrugs. If it was even possible my face turned a darker shade of red.

This time auston chuckles a bit. I get up and grab his hand. "We're going downstairs call us when dinners done." I grumble. Me and Auston make our way down and sit on a couch In the finished basement. I don't bother sitting with him. Instead I curl into a ball and keep myself cozy.

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