Chapter 31

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AHHHHHH!!!!! Thank you so much my loves for 3k even though I DO NOT DESERVE IT WHAT SO EVER!!! I've been soooo dead it's not even funny. Now I'm gonna try to make it up to you cause I am believe it or not still passionate about this book and I'm gonna finish it no matter what!!

I wake up with austons arms around me. I guess Sydney and Matt slept together last night. That must have been awkward figuring that out.
I shift and realize I'm still naked. I smile and let the memories from last night take over me. I look over at austons face...needless to say he's wayyy hotter in bed. I kiss his cheek, waking him up. He smiles, "good morning beautiful." I snuggle up to him and trace the outlines of the muscles on his chest. He moans and pulls me closer. "Hey baby what time is it?" He says placing a firm hold on my behind. I sigh, "I don't know." The suddenly the door squeaks open. I feel Auston tense up and roll over shielding me with his body. I here a small laugh. Sydney. "Hey love birds, everyone is at breakfast so I thought I should come get you." "Thanks!" I fall as she closed the door. I get out of bed to get some clothes on. I hear Auston whistle. I roll my eyes, "shouldn't you be getting ready to?!" He shrugs and gets up, putting his swim trunks on. He leaves and blows me a kiss. I giggle. I have the best man.

I throw on some jogging pants but all my tops are dirty. I groan in frustration. I hear the door squeak open and Auston pops his head in. "You ready?" "I don't have a shirt on." I say. "I'll be back." He winks. He comes back with a plain blue hoodie and puts it over my head, kissing my lips after he does. I feed my arms through the sleeves and pull it down, over my butt. Auston cringes when he sees that. "Can't you tie the back or something??" He complains lifting the hoodie over my behind. I swat his hand away, "It's fine baby." He huffs and takes my hand.

We walk to the breakfast bar, Auston complaining until we get there. We sit on a couch and order coffees. Matt and Sydney come over and sit on the love seat in front of us. "Soooooo....." Syd says, "have a fun night last night??" I blush. "Yeah we heard you all night." Matt says smirking. Auston sighs, "it's a long story." "Mhmmm." Syd says sipping her tea. I drink the coffee I ordered. "How did u guys know to sleep in the boys room?" I ask still curious. "Well you guys didn't come to the pool so we know." Syd shrugs. "That we were having sex?" Auston says. She nods. "But don't worry me and Matt do it all the time." Matt places a hand over her knee. "Sydney not everyone needs to know that." "Matt's their kids they deserve to know that they aren't alone." Matt sighs and leans back on the couch. I giggle at their cuteness.

Auston wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him. "Awwee!! See Matt their so in love!!" "Mhmm." Matt says staring at a lose thread in the couch. Syd frowns at him. Then she motions for us to kiss. Aus looks at me and tilts my head back with his free hand. He puts his lips on mine and plants a small kiss. Sydney sighs, gushing at us. Auston swings my legs on his lap, making me sit on him. I laugh and rest my head on his chest. He rubs circles on my back, making me close my eyes in relaxation.

After a few minutes I hear giggling and open my eyes to smile at Sydney, but she's rested on Matt and fiddling with his hand. Hmmm... I look behind them and see Kinsley and Stephanie laughing in my direction. Once they realize I saw them, they turn around to hide their smiles. Will comes behind Kin and whispers something in her ear, making her follow him. Steph twirls her hair and follows both of them. I don't get it. I look up at Auston. He smiles and kisses my nose. "Baby I'm gonna run to the bathroom." I say he shakes his head and tightens his grip on me. "Aus." I say and he gives in. "I'll be back." I say over my shoulder. I run to the bathroom. I don't actually have to go but I need to get Kin and Steph off my mind.

I go into a stall and pull out my phone to check my Instagram feed. I scroll threw the posts, liking a few. The icon pops up that im tagged in something. I press it and roll my eyes. Another naked picture of me that was posted two hours ago by the same stupid account. Report again. I scroll threw DMS next and respond to my friends back home and some sweet fans. But..there is one that stands out. A DM form that same account. Why? I know it's best not to open it but....I can't help being curious. I almost cry when I read what it says. I quickly delete it and shove my phone in my pocket. After a few deep breaths I walk out of the bathroom and head back to Auston.

I get back and I see that William took my spot next to Aus and Steph and Kin pulled up chairs. "Hey baby." Auston says and stands up, "I'll get us some chairs." Kin giggles and whispers to Steph. I guess they don't realize that I'm literally right next to them and can hear what their saying. "Wow he has to do everything for her! She can't even get a chair by herself." Both girls giggle and stare at me. I look away and see that Auston had already got me a chair. "Thanks but I could have got it myself." I roll my eyes but sit down anyway. Auston just smiles and sits in his chair. "Yeah sure she could." Steph whispers. I slump in my seat and star at the floor.

After what feels like forever, everyone is informed by the assistant coach to go back to our rooms and hold tight until we're called to get onto the bus for the game. I put my chair back and start heading upstairs with Aus. We talked with Syd and Matt and agreed that me and Auston will have the girls room and Syd and Matt will take the boys room. Me and Aus sink into my bed and flip three channels on the tv. We find a show and watch. Auston leans his head on my shoulder and I play with his hair. He takes my other hand and massages it. I giggle. He looks up at me and smiles, "lye down." "Why." I say. "Because just do it." I roll my eyes playfully and lye down on my stomach.   He lifts his hoodie off me and puts it on the side. He also unclasps my bra but doesn't take it off. I feel his muscular hands rub into my back. I sigh, "I love you." He laughs, "I love you to baby." I smile and drift off to sleep.

And that's a wrap!! New chapter up soon I promise!

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