Chapter 32

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I open my eyes half way and see a pair of knees. Oh my god I'm sitting on someone! I jump when I hear all the noise. I look up, thank the lord it was Auston. "You fell asleep and we had to go." He whispers. "How did you put your hoodie back on me?" I yawn. He shrugs, "I just did." I smile and curl up closer to him. I look around the bus and it seems like everyone's here, good thing we got the last seats. It's just Mitch, and will across from us, which makes me wonder why their girlfriends are sitting at the front. Whatever. I yawn again and sit up a bit. "How much longer." "Maybe ten minutes." I turn to scoot into the seat next to him but he tightens grin around my waist. "Come on Aus you play soon." "So what." "I don't wanna hurt your legs." He gives in and let's me sit beside him. I look out the window and see that we're already here.

Everyone gets up and walks to the arena. The boys go to their dressing room and the girls sit behind the leafs bench. I sit between Sydney and nazems wife. Beside Syd are kin and Steph so I gotta be careful about what I say.

Soon enough the game starts and the first line comes off their shift. I sit above Auston and we exchange smiles. After a few minutes he's back on and Matt takes his place. Syd blows kisses and I wave.

Before we know it, second period has already started and the game is tied 1-1. "Hey Syd I'm just gonna use the bathroom." She nods and offers to go with me but I refuse because I know how badly she wants to watch the game. I find the nearest bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I finish up and I'm about to leave the stall but I hear footsteps and look threw the cracks of the door. Oh my god. It's Steph and Kin! They must have not seen me leave. They don't go in any stalls though, they just pull out their phones and talk. I am so not getting outta here until they leave so instead I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Do you want to post now or after the game?" Steph asks Kin. " I'll do it now since I have the pics photoshopped." "Lemme see!!" Steph laughs. Kin hands her the phone. "Hahaha!! I like this one!" She says pointing to the screen. "I know me to!! Should we tag auston or just her?" Kin asks. Steph shakes her head. "Just her." I feel my heart race. Tagging Auston? On what? Steph laughs again, "she's gonna freak when she sees this one." Kin nods, "what should we caption it??" " about  I'm all for the sex life, bang me and I'm yours." Steph smirks. "Omg that's so good!" Kin squeals. "Okay one, two, three post!" They walk out of the bathroom giggling.

What the heck have I just witnessed?! I u lock the stall door and wash my hands. As I'm about to leave the bathroom I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out. I just got a notification that I have been tagged in a post called I'm all for the sex life, bang me and I'm yours.

Duh duh duh!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry guys I know this ones reslly short but the next chapter will be longer. Enjoy the season opener tonight!!!

And is anyone else sad that MATT MARTIN IS FREAKING GONE!!! I don't care he's still gonna be in this book and I'm probably gonna mention him in future books but wowowoowow that's so sad I'm really gonna miss him😢😢😢

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