Chapter 14

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I'm just going to warn you guys now... read at your own risk for this chapter and the next one!😬

"Alright Kin we can do this!" "Yes! We are strong independent women!" Me and Kinsley stood at the door of the change room, ready to push our way through the crowd of fans and paparazzi. We nod to each other and run out the door. "Oh my god! It's Auston Matthew's pregnant girlfriend!" Some girl yelled. "Run!" I yelled to Kinsley. We run into the stands. "Hey look! There's steph and syd!" Kin yelled. "Stephanie! Sydney!" I yell. They turn around and wave to us. We bolt for them but there's still a crowd behind us. "RUN!" We y'all to them. The four of us run out of the stands. "This way!" Steph says. We follow her to a private area loaded with security. We zip through them and they stop the crowd. We go to a private lounge box in the arena.
(Something like this)

(And the view is this but a bit closer to the rink)

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(And the view is this but a bit closer to the rink)

(And the view is this but a bit closer to the rink)

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"So how have you guy been?!" Syd jokes. We laugh and take seats in the private box. "Wow this is a good view of the arena." Kinsley says. Steph nods and stretches her legs out over the glass. "we came and were ambushed by people earlier." I explain. "Same with us! We had to run to the leafs dressing room to get away!" Syd says. "Yeah us to! But we ended up in that old change room down there." I point to the now not so empty change room. The girls look over. "People are crazy. They'll do anything to get information out of you." Steph rolled her eyes at the people crowding the change room door. I look at the black polished floor and think of the pregnancy incident.

The lights in the arena flickered blue and white, the game was starting. We turned our attention to the ice and watched our babes skate on. Auston kept his promise and looked to us from the bench from time to time. I think the other players new something about the incident, because they did to every once in a while.

First period done and we lead 1-0. "Anyone want popcorn or anything?" I ask. "I'll have some! I'll come with." Steph says. I smile, "anyone else want?" Kin and Syd shook their heads and start talking about a tv show.

Me and Stephanie make our way to the line of people waiting for food. "Mitch always says for us girls to never leave the arena alone. You know, in case something happens." Step tells me. "Like the paparazzi?" I ask. Steph shakes here head, "doubt it. Their probably to busy interviewing the famous people." I nod. Its our turn to order. We get a large popcorn and two nesteas. We decide to share the big popcorn, it's easier to carry, plus cheaper.

As we walk back to the arena, two huge guys about our age tower over us. "Your the girls of the leaf aren't you?" One of them says. "Nope, just fans who are hungry and don't have time to chitchat." Steph says. We try to go around them. The one who was talking grabbed Stephanie's waist. "I like one spicy chick." He breathed down her neck. She gasped and tried to break free. "Excuse me but I have a boyfriend!!" She yelled. "Hey don't touch her!" I say, dropping the snacks and my drink. I try and sock the guy out but the other freakingly large guy grabs me and flips me over this shoulder. "Hey let me go!" I scream, hoping to catch the attention of security. No luck. We try and wiggle out of their grips. Nope their to strong! "Mitch! Auston!" Steph screams. "Syd! Kin!" I yelled. Our voices helplessly echo in the arena. The guys take off. "Kin!" I yell again. They run and take us past the teams dressing rooms.

As we pass Steph throws her nestea at the leafs door. Neither of the guys seem to notice. They slow down their pace to almost a walk. "Will you girls shut up?!" The guys holding Steph says. From the corner of my eye, I see Auston come out of the dressing room, his equipment off, and picks up the bottle.

"Auston!" I try to yell, but the guy holding me covers my mouth to muffle my words. They bring us a few dressing rooms down from the leafs. They throw us against the wall and rope our arms and legs. Auston, Mitch, just someone come save us!

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